Mississippi First in Infant Vaccination Rates – Highest Infant Mortalities

Mississippi has the highest rate of childhood vaccination because it is one of only two states in the U.S. that does not allow parents a choice regarding vaccines, as a requirement for attending school. Only a medical doctor can provide an exemption, as religious and philosophical exemptions are not allowed. The Clarion Ledger was obviously proud of their vaccination rates, …

Stock market rigging is no longer a ‘conspiracy theory’

The stock market is rigged. When I started making that claim years ago — and provided solid evidence — people scoffed. Some called it a conspiracy theory, tinfoil hats and that sort of stuff. Most people just ignored me. But that’s not happening anymore. The dirty secret is out. With stock prices rushing far ahead of economic reality over the …

The Federal Reserve’s “Financial Airplane”. The Fed’s Economic “Assumptions”, “Falsified Data to Portray Growth”

After last week’s air tragedy, maybe a poor thought process but please stay with me.  Would you ever get on an airplane if there was no pilot?  Would you be confident of reaching your destination safely?  Of course not.  Whether you know it or not, you are living in an economic and financial “airplane” with Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen …

Deciphering the Fed’s Actions, “Spoon Feeding the Market”: Whatever they Do, the US Economy is Damned

Wednesday is yet another Fed meeting where we get to hear “policy” from them.  So many times in the past, the upcoming meeting has been called “THE” most important meeting ever.  This one is being called the same thing.  I have mentioned more than a few times in the past six years “what can they really say?”  I’ve done this because …


Enjoying those prices at the pump? You might not want to get used to them. A former top oil executive says the price of gas at the pump could double by the end of the year. In an interview with CNBC, former Shell Oil President John Hofmeister predicts that U.S. oil could skyrocket from the current levels under $48 a …

What About the Immunocompromised?

Immunocompromised: immune system suppression due to any medical condition, drug or treatment. Proclaiming the need to protect immunocompromised children from the unvaccinated is the cause du jour, isn’t it? Let’s force-vaccinate the American population of children in order to protect all of their immune-deficient classmates. Herd immunity! Protect those that can’t be vaccinated by vaccinating those who can! What does …