When you try to attract something into your life, should you focus on the grand ideas generally, or should you pick something specific and detailed on which you can give extra attention to the details?
Expanding Mind – esoteric bibliophile – 09.15.16
Legendary occult book-dealer Todd Pratum talks about rejected knowledge, growing up Californian, book synchronicities, and the loss of knowledge in the age of the Internet. http://www.pratum.com/ Download this episode (right click and save)
LOA Today – 09.08.16
Joel visited the bench this past week, the same bench for which he titled his book. He shares with us the fantastic, LOA-related experiences he had in the process.
LOA Today – 01.21.16
What the heck are you talking about? That’s the common reaction the first time someone hears about the Law of Attraction. This week, we answer that question.
LOA Today – 12.31.15
This week on LOA Today, we explore limiting beliefs and what each of us can do to get them out of our way so we can achieve all our goals, dreams, and highest aspirations in life.
The Final Edition – 10.15.15
Ho-ward West.. Once again, the California crew takes over and drives The Final Edition off a cliff. A Cliff Of Funny, that is.’
Tools to heal troubled feelings – Energy Stew interview with Alka Dhillon – 07.24.15
There’s an art to managing feelings by using and trusting esoteric tools. Alka Dhillon has learned to manage her fears and weaknesses by using special modalities to enhance her life. Â She addresses many of these struggles in her book “The OM Factor” and provides the fixes for each. Although she says the book is “a woman’s spiritual guide to leadership”, …