Vicki Batts – Collusion: DEA bans plant medicines, then Big Pharma patents them for profits

Is the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) really looking out for anyone’s best interests with their latest stand on natural, medicinal plants like cannabis and kratom? Most would tend to disagree with them, just on principal. But a deeper look into the matter reveals that their intent may be far more sinister than they want us to believe. While the DEA …

Is Kratom the CBD of Opioids?

It’s been used traditionally as both a medicine and a textile. It’s reportedly helpful for treating drug addiction, and its consumption has never resulted in a documented death from toxic overdose. But the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) considers it a dangerous drug with no medical value. Sound familiar? No, this isn’t about Cannabis. This is about the leaves of a …

Will Big Pharma try to buy the marijuana industry, or block it?

After decades and decades of fighting, marijuana truly seems to be on the verge of being completely decriminalized. It’s been on the horizon for quite some time now, and the day that every cannabis advocate in the country — as well as non-smoking libertarians who simply believe in the freedoms of the American people — has been waiting for is sure to …

Paul Armentano – Did the DEA Just Kick Open the Door for the Pharmaceuticalization of Pot?

While much ink has been spilled over the last few days regarding DEA’s refusa [3]l to recognize marijuana as a medicine and its unwillingness to reclassify it under federal law, far less attention has been paid to a separate decision by the agency to create, for the first time, a “clear legal pathway” for pharmaceutical companies to engage in cannabis-specific “drug product …

Majority of Physicians in U.S. Now Favor Medical Cannabis – Dr. Joseph Mercola

The use of marijuana for medical purposes is now legal in 23 states and, as of this writing, 9 states have pending legislation or ballot measures to legalize medical marijuana. Estimates are that between 85 and 95 percent of Americans are in favor of medical cannabis, and nearly 60 percent support complete legalization of marijuana. And doctors agree. In 2014, …

Marijuana Compound Superior to Drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease

Adding to the list of numerous diseases that medical marijuana has already helped to heal – cancer, rare muscular diseases, arthritis, seizures, and more – compounds in the plant have also been shown to positively impact Alzheimer’s disease. This is important because the degenerative disease affects more than 5 million Americans. One study, published in the journal Molecular Pharmacology in 2006, hits home for me personally because I …