Expanding Mind – Terra Nova – 10.22.15

A talk with Martin Winiecki from the Institute for Global Peace Work about community building, trust, water, and the amazing Tamera cooperative in Portugal. You can download the new book by Tamera co-founder Dieter Duhm, Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Love, from http://verlag-meiga.org/terra-nova-ebook/ For more, go to http://terranova.tamera.org

Ask Beatty – 09.21.15

Beatty talked about the housing, medical, employment and mental health challenges facing transgender men and women. She also discussed the dangers of Paxil, an antidepressant, for teenagers and cautions everyone to be more consumer savvy when it comes to taking medications of all kinds. Your doctor does not always know what’s best!

Why Are American Doctors Killing Themselves In Record Numbers?

Recent reports have indicated that doctors in America are killing themselves in record numbers, and also suffer from drug and alcohol abuse at a rate significantly higher than your average person. Many people will write this off as a result of long hours or the stress of the job, but it is also possible that many of these doctors are …