Restoring Communities – Martin Adams

A proper community is a commonwealth: a place, a resource, an economy. It answers the needs, practical as well as social and spiritual, of its members—among them the need to need one another. The answer to the present alignment of political power with wealth is the restoration of the identity of community and economy. —Wendell Berry Every being on this …

Restoring Communities – Martin Adams

A proper community is a commonwealth: a place, a resource, an economy. It answers the needs, practical as well as social and spiritual, of its members—among them the need to need one another. The answer to the present alignment of political power with wealth is the restoration of the identity of community and economy. —Wendell Berry Every being on this …

50% of the World’s Wildlife Gone in Just 2 Human Generations

Anyone accustomed to Openhand knows that our approach is to fearlessly embrace the truth, even if that makes us unpopular. Why? Because only the truth can truly set you free. There’s so much deception and distortion abound on the planet. We must intuit and feel for ourselves the true landscape and where this is all really heading. For only then, may we …

Panel of international climate scientists says the world has only until 2050 to become a zero-carbon society − but the rewards for doing so would be immense. – Alex Kirby

If you want to know what we have to do to avoid catastrophic climate change, 17 of the world’s leading climate scientists have worked out a simple but challenging solution: the world, they say, must turn by mid-century into a zero-carbon society. The signatories to today’s “Earth Statement” say: “This trajectory is not one of economic pain, but of economic …

Phytoplankton, reducing greenhouse gases or amplifying Arctic warming?

Phytoplankton, commonly known as plant plankton that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, are potentially a key driver of Arctic warming under greenhouse warming, a study reveals. Scientists with Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), and Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), presented on Monday, April 20, in Proceedings of …

Climate Engineering and the Manipulated Perception of the U.S. Population – Dane Wigington

If you live in the eastern half of the North American continent you may be convinced that the planet is actually cooling instead of warming, even though 2014 was officially thewarmest year ever recorded on Earth. If you live on the east coast of the US, would you believe that January 2015 was the warmest January ever recorded in the Northern …

Coal is dying all by itself – Tim McDonnell

Coal, the No. 1 cause of climate change, is dying. Last year saw a record number of coal plant retirements in the United States, and a study last week from Duke University found that Even China, which produces and consumes more coal than the rest of the world put together, is expected to hit peak coal use within a decade, in order to meet its promise to President …

From Watersheds to Mountains, What If We Based Our Borders on Nature? – Rachael Stoeve

There’s little natural about the boundaries that divide states and countries. They’re often imaginary lines that result from history, conflict, or negotiation. But imagine what the world would look like if borders were set according to ecological and cultural boundaries. Bioregionalism says that’s the only logical way to divide up territory: Let watersheds, mountain ranges, microclimates, and the local knowledge …