Performer, writer, and MC Mark Petrakis, aka Spoonman, talks about San Francisco Dada, avant-vaudeville, spontaneous spirituality, and the importance of disregarding precision. Download this episode (right click and save)
Expat Files – 08.19.16
#1- Update on Gringo’s applying for residency in Latin countries: The residency rules and regs are changing rapidly and getting more complicated by the month. Though as of now, Guatemala residency is still the easiest and least expensive option for gringos who are seeking temporary or permanent residency in Latin America.
A Just Cause – Honoring Living Victims of Injustice – 09.13.15
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks talks to our Special Guests Nicole Paultre Bell, Fiancee of Sean Bell who was shot and killed by New York Police officers in Queens, NY and Dinetta Robinson-Scott, Mother of Sgt. James Brown who died while in police custody in El Paso, Texas.