Alex Henderson – 10 Economic Woes Generation X Faces

You hear a lot about millennials being in a tight spot financially, but less about the generation sandwiched between them and the baby boomers: Generation X. The oldest Gen-Xers were born in the mid-1960s and are now in their early 50s; many other Xers are well into their 40s, and they’ve suffered the brunt of several economic downturns. Gen-X, which …

New research confirms how to take better workday breaks

Most people take breaks during their workdays. Coffee breaks. Lunch breaks. Short chats with coworkers. Maybe late afternoon walks around the building. But are they taking the best type of breaks? Breaks that boost energy, concentration and motivation? Two Baylor University researchers have published a new empirical study – “Give Me a Better Break: Choosing Workday Break Activities to Maximize …