Global Alert News – 04.29.17

On countless fronts the rate of change currently unfolding in our biosphere is beyond true comprehension. So few understand (or even want to understand) the severity and immediacy of the growing challenges that we must collectively face if we are to survive much longer on this planet. More and more data is surfacing about the dangers of atmospheric particulate pollution …

Trends This Week – Holding out for something “new” – 03.29.17

The country wants to “Make It New,” one of Gerald Celente’s Top Trends for 2017. For President Trump, he wants to “Make America Great Again.” For Hollywood movie-goers, they want to channel movies like “La La Land” to bring back a realm of jazz and carefree living. Meanwhile, the government continues to take away basic civil liberties for the sake of keeping us safe but can’t keep people from jumping over the White House fence.

Black Agenda Radio – 02.13.17

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host, Nellie Bailey. Coming up: Activists plan to counter President Trump’s threatened crackdown on so-called “sanctuary cities,” by expanding the movement to resist unjust laws and government repression; and, prison abolitionists say the U.S. system of mass incarceration is a continuation of old time slavery. They plan a Millions March for Prisoners Human Rights, in Washington, DC, this summer.

Leid Stories—Trump: Out of [Executive] Order (Part 4)—02.02.17

Yesterday’s program was a case of way more callers than time would permit to share their views. So, today we continue the discussion: While brisk opposition to President Donald Trump’s hardline policies is both warranted and necessary, it must be recognized that previous administrations created many of the crises Trump is attempting to stanch with ill-advised, slash-and-burn policies.

Ronnie Cummins – Three Life-or-Death Reasons Why Climate, Food, and Native American Activists Need to Keep Working Together

On Tuesday,  January 24, Donald Trump signed presidential memorandums to revive the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines—two major dirty oil and fracking pipelines halted by the Obama administration after massive resistance from indigenous, climate and other public interest groups, including food activists. As indigenous leader Winona LaDuke pointed out (article link below) Trump’s push to revive these …

Glenn Greenwald – Secret Docs Reveal: President Trump Has Inherited an FBI With Vast Hidden Powers

n the wake of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the FBI assumes an importance and influence it has not wielded since J. Edgar Hoover’s death in 1972. That is what makes today’s batch of stories from The Intercept, The FBI’s Secret Rules, based on a trove of long-sought confidential FBI documents, so critical: It shines a bright light on the vast powers of this law enforcement …

Paul R. Pillar – Trump’s Chaotic Management Style

The fiasco of President Trump’s executive order involving travel bans from selected Muslim-majority countries has consumed public attention for several days, although it was only one of several actions that have constituted the most disorganized and strife-laden opening ten days of any U.S. administration in memory. This order deserves the vigorous criticism it has received on several grounds, but it …

HENRY GIROUX – Democracy in Exile and the Curse of Totalitarianism

With his white supremacist ideology and racist contempt for Muslims on full display, President Trump has issued an executive order banning all Syrians and people from seven predominantly Muslim nations from entering the United States. In doing so, he has not only made visible, and without apology, his embrace of the frenzied lawlessness of authoritarianism, he has also put into …