The Federal Reserve issued their fourth quarter Report On Household Debt And Credit last week to the sounds of silence in the mainstream media. Here’s some actual analysis which describes how they manipulated a fake recovery and kept the masses sedated, misinformed and pliable. Lots of figures for you but they tell their own story. We can even see clearly …
Green Burial Method Turns Loved Ones Into Trees
Have you ever considered what might be a more eco-friendly alternative to coffins? How about organic burial pods where, instead of headstones, trees are planted on top. Two Italian designers–Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel– came up with up a project called Capsula Mundi, an innovative design concept with an environmental twist that addresses the exorbitant use of natural resources associated with traditional burials. …
The TPP could spell bad news for global food systems.
Food is more than just what we eat. It connects us to each other and our environment. And how we treat it is of tremendous importance to our democracy. Right now, the future of our food is being decided behind closed doors. The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), a massive trade and investment deal being negotiated by the United States and 11 Pacific …
How American “Free Enterprise Capitalism” rips us all off
Eight of the biggest U.S. technology companies added a combined $69 billion to their stockpiled offshore profits over the past year, even as some corporations in other industries felt pressure to bring cash back home. Microsoft Corp., Apple Inc., Google Inc. and five other tech firms now account for more than a fifth of the $2.10 trillion in profits that …
Surveillance Valley: Why Google Is Eager to Align Itself With America’s Military Industrial Complex
The following is an excerpt from Yasha Levine’s ongoing investigative project, Surveillance Valley, which you can help support on KickStarter [3]. Oakland, California: On February 18, 2014, several hundred privacy, labor, civil rights activists packed Oakland’s city hall. It was a rowdy crowd, and there was a heavy police presence. The people were there to protest the construction of a citywide surveillance center …
Are You Strong Enough to Unplug for 24 Hours?
I admit that the idea of disconnecting for National Unplugging Day makes me nervous. I feel as if I am almost always connected by one device or another and that seems necessary. Between taking care of your children, tending to responsibilities at work and keeping up with friends, there’s a good chance you own a cell phone, computer and/or tablet. …