Progressive Radio Network


ARE YOU READY TO ACKNOWLEDGE, ADDRESS & RESOLVE...... Any and All Issues That Are Getting In The Way of Your Life And Relationships?   More…
This compelling discussion by Dr. Michael Wald, the blood detective, involves the insidious and horrific effects of molds, heavy metals and electromagnetic insults That you…
LuAnne Pennesi, RN MS, gives a great up to date summary of many steps towards a healthy, holistic lifestyle. Luanne begins with her story of…
Are Unhealthy Foods Killing Us: Listen to Joel Fuhrman, MD, author of Fast Food Genocide about both the physical health, mental health and sociological problems…
Chef Rene Rodriguez is the owner and chef of Tawa Restaurant located in the heart of the Sacred Valley in Peru. It is a small, family…
Today is June 12th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment…
On this Memorial Day, Gary Null opens up the program with the latest in health and healing before going to a long commentary and audio…
Join Dr. Michael Wald, DC, Board Certified Nutritionist and he reveals how the stress response can help or cause disease. Dr. Wald, host of Ask…
Dr. Ren is our co-host on the show today. She is a holistic naturopath and all around natural healer.  Along with co-host Bobby Elias they give…
Holly Hughes is the founder and editor of 18 editions (and counting) of the annual Best Food Writing anthology, which she believes is the best…
Exercise Essentials – how to exercise for general health, longevity, weight loss and improve quality-of-life So you think you know how to exercise? Think again!…
"Mindfulness during eating is critical", according to Dr Michael Wald, "...if part of your intention from eating is to optimize healing". Furthermore, Dr Wald claims…