Increase seen in prescription drug use in US

Between 1999-2012, overall prescription drug use increased among U.S. adults, with this increase seen for the majority of but not all drug classes, according to a study in the November 3 issue of JAMA. Use of prescription drugs represents a major expenditure in the United States, and research suggests that use of prescription drugs is increasing. Yet much of the …

Lawrence S. Wittner – Why Tuition-Free College Makes Sense

The issue of making college tuition-free has recently come to the fore in American politics, largely because the two leading contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, have each championed it.  Sanders has called for free undergraduate tuition at public colleges and universities, to be financed by a tax on Wall Street speculation, while Clinton has done the same, although …

GARY LEGUM – Bernie Sanders is in big trouble: You don’t have to be a neoliberal shill to see the cold, hard facts

Bernie Sanders’s bid for the Democratic presidential nomination is in serious trouble. Yes, I know we still have almost three months to go before voting gets underway. Yes, I’m aware that all those unscientific click-bait Internet polls showed he “won” the Democratic debate two weeks ago. Yes, I have read all the stories about the size of the crowds he …

The Mark Riley Show – 10.28.15

– Arrest video fallout: Spring Valley High officer Ben Fields may learn his fate today. Or maybe not. Think about this: If a parent did what he did to their child, at the very least Child Protective Services would be called in. Fields should face assault charges.

– Race and discipline in spotlight after SC officer drags student. Yeah but Fields can’t be racist, he’s got a black girlfriend!!! Disparate treatment based on race is central to this issue.

– Tyrone Howard, suspect in officers’ killing, had string of second chances. When do you decide whether a criminal deserves a second chance? When does a lock’em up mentality become mass incarceration?

– Gun used to kill NYPD cop trafficked through iron pipeline. Don’t get me started!!!

– Nationwide test shows dip in students’ math abilities. Concerns about tests aside, this can’t be ignored.

– Teenager killed in Brooklyn shooting dreamed of becoming a lawyer, his family says. So many kids get killed, and all of them have aspirations, dreams. The dreams are shattered in an instant.

– A humbler Donald Trump pleads with Iowans: I’m not leaving. Not winning is a serious bruise to Trump’s ego, and now Ben Carson beat him in a national poll. That trend continues, he’s out.

– Florida newspaper calls on Marco Rubio to resign for missing Senate votes. This follows his “federal workers who don’t do their job should be fired” thing. It also follows his inability to explain why it shouldn’t pertain to him.

– Republicans head into debate with the lower tier angry and Carson on the rise. I’m cynical about all this, But how did Christie make the cut, and Kasich didn’t. Oh, the unfairness.

– The pay gap will ensure that CEOs enjoy luxurious retirement while workers keep struggling. That’s right, it’s not just a working life anymore.

Infectious Myth – Feedback and News – 10.27.15

Some negative feedback was received from two people who are opposed to abortion, and one of these people felt that it was generally men who were getting abused in family court, not children or mothers.
An article in the Washington Post indicates that there may be more guns that people in the USA.
A woman has an ex-husband loaded with weapons, and is worried about her daughter’s safety, when she visits, and also worries that he might come after her. But the police refuse to investigate.


Congressional Republicans were desperate to score political points in the Benghazi saga. So desperate that they finally decided to masquerade as … peaceniks. During the recent grilling of Hillary Clinton, the Republicans — who have rarely seen a war they didn’t like — actually criticized the former Secretary of State for ignoring the difficulty of successful regime change. (No mention was …

In Latest Obamacare Fiasco, Most Low-Income Workers Can’t Afford “Affordable Care Act”

Just ten days ago we described the latest unintended (we hope) consequence of the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare, when Colorado’s largest nonprofit co-op health insurer and participant in that state’s insurance exchange, Colorado HealthOP, announcing it was abruptly shutting down ahead of the November 1 start of enrollment for 2016, forcing 80,000 Coloradans to find a new insurer for 2016. …

Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis – The False Prophet Trudeau

ur inboxes runneth over with congratulations from American friends. “Pleasure to be able to look north without wincing,” “we’re all thrilled to have regained our sensible neighbors to the north,” “Goodbye Stephen ‘Keystone XL’ Harper.”  And then there was this from England: “you now officially have the hottest Prime Minister EVER!” Like us, our friends tend to spend a lot …

Natalie Kitroeff – Obama Administration Hits Back at Student Debtors Seeking Relief

On a day when Democratic presidential candidates sparred in a national debate over who would do more to help indebted students, the U.S. government launched a new attack on student debtors seeking loan relief. On Tuesday, the Department of Education intervened in the case of Robert Murphy, an unemployed 65-year-old who has waged a three-year legal battle to erase his student loans …

Jan Resseger – Plutocrats in NYC Wielding Power, Buying the Airwaves, and Trashing Public Schools Again

Public schools are among the primary institutions that serve the families in the 99 Percent.  As primarily middle class institutions, they are coming under attack from the One Percent, the plutocrats—both Republican and Democrats—who control the levers of power. In a piece earlier this week the NY Times profiled 158 families across the country who have provided nearly half of …