How many can cite verifiable facts to back up their opinions and conclusions? How many are looking through a completely colored lens of preconceptions, programmed ideology, and herd mentality bias? How much longer can the current course continue before the human race hits the wall at full velocity? The collective insanity that currently runs and rules the world continues to …
Connect The Dots – How to Secure Our Votes – 12.27.17
How to Secure Our Votes: Listen to Lulu Friesdat, investigative journalist, who in researching election integrity for the last few years, presents new findings on the Florida Congressional primary of 2016 between Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Tom Canova, revealing that there were ample voter irregularities— in conversation with Alison Rose Levy. Download this episode (right click and save)
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 11.30.17
ALABAMA, ELECTION THEFT AND THE DYING DEMOCRATS are our Solartopian stuff as we’re joined by STEVEN ROSENFELD, SUSIE SHANNON and JOHN BRAKEY. Steve is a reporter for Alternet who’s written extensively on election theft. SUSIE is a Bernie delegate from California to the Democratic National Committee. John is one of America’s truly great election protection activists. Together we explore the …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 11.15.17
According to my guest, investigative journalist Jon Rappoport, the opioid epidemic is much more than an epidemic–it is a criminal conspiracy. He describes how the US Congress, FDA, DEA and Justice Department have systematically refused or failed to deal with the sources of the flood of pain medications knowingly over-produced and misdirected into the addiction market by the Pharmaceutical Industry. …
Leid Stories—Hillary the ‘Foundation’ of Current Democratic Party Woes?—11.06.17
Hillary Clinton is unmasked as a political hijacker in Donna Brazile’s Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House, being released tomorrow. Brazile, a longtime Democratic Party strategist and cam-paign manager, claims that when she temporarily headed the Democratic National Committee, she discovered that Clinton, by then building her 2016 presidential campaign, was …
The Conspiracy Guy – 11.01.17
Conspiracy Guy Show #49: The truck attack in New York City resembles an attack in Nice, France, with an 18-wheeler, which reportedly mowed down 84 victims–yet there was no blood on the front of the truck! Even a car hitting a deer is smattered with blood. Smashed bicycles and trash, but in Nice, there was no blood because there were …
Leid Stories—Repeat Offenders! The Clintons Dole Out ‘Charity’ in Africa (Part 2)—08.31.17
Having been called out on the slipshod and highly irregular administrative and business practices of the Clinton Foundation and its affiliated entities, it appeared Bill and Hillary Clinton began to shut down parts of their U.S.-headquartered operations, especially those that were running afoul of U.S. charity and other laws. At the same time, the foundation seems to be increasing its …
Focus On The Facts – 08.29.17
Guests were Jason Goodman and Patricia Negron. Discussed the Ratlines set up by Hillary Clinton, the CIA and Dyncorp for child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, and arms and drug trafficking in countries across the globe and the US and the details from their investigation with George Webb of the Awan Family’s spy ring in Congress and the murder of people …
Focus On The Facts – 07.10.17
Guest was Trish Negron. Discussed the Ratlines set up by Hillary, the CIA and Dyncorp for child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, and arms and drug trafficking in countries across the globe and the US and the details from her investigation with George Webb and Jason Goodman into the Awan brother’s spy ring in Congress and the murder of DNC staffer …
Leid Stories—Cloak and Swagger: What Will Be Missing in the Russia-Trump Election/Obama Wiretap Probe (Part 2)—03.21.17
Leid Stories returns to yesterday’s discussion about many elements of the intelligence committee’s probe that won’t see the light of day.