Ralph Nader – The Democrats’ Presidential Debates: Underway and Underwhelming

Who thought this up – Giving a  private corporation (CNN) control of a presidential debate? In the most recent Democratic presidential debate, CNN controlled which candidates were invited, who asked what questions, and the location, Las Vegas – the glittering, gambling center of America. This is a mirror image of the control Fox News exercised during their Republican candidates’ circus. …

Matt Taibbi – Hillary Clinton’s Take on Banks Won’t Hold Up

The inaugural Democratic debate Tuesday night was a strange show. It felt like two different programs. One was a screwball comedy starring red-faced ex-Marine Jim Webb and retired Keebler elf Lincoln Chafee, whose Rhode Island roots highlighted the Farrelly brothers feel of his performance. The latter’s “I voted to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act because it was my first day at …

Sheldon Richman – Beware the Anti-Politician Politician: They Still Want to Rule!

The good news about the presidential election season is that so many voters seem disgusted with career politicians. The bad news is that these voters are naively opting for “outsiders” who in reality are just politicians in another form. They are anti-politician politicians. This, I submit, is not progress. It is certainly a hopeful sign that perhaps more people than …

Leid Stories – 10.15.15

The Information Business: CNN Hit A Jackpot with ‘Debate’ in Las Vegas

Ex-Army General Explains the U.S. Military Objective in Syria

The CNN/Facebook-hosted Q&A session with Democratic presidential candidates Oct. 13 was great for business. Leid Stories reveals the money motive behind this and other such “debates.”

The situation in war-torn Syria, already catastrophic, in recent weeks has seen yet another element added to the lethal mix. President Bashar Hafez al-Assad’s two–pronged battle to quash a rebel-led civil war and beat back advancing ISIS troops, now faces ramped up conflicting military interventions by Russia and the United States. Russia’s help was asked for and welcomed; the United States’ was not.

Gen. Wesley Clark (ret.), former supreme allied commander of NATO, explains the U.S.’s military objective in Syria.

MATT TAIBBI – Hillary Clinton’s Take on Banks Won’t Hold Up

The inaugural Democratic debate Tuesday night was a strange show. It felt like two different programs. One was a screwball comedy starring red-faced ex-Marine Jim Webb and retired Keebler elf Lincoln Chafee, whose Rhode Island roots highlighted the Farrelly brothers feel of his performance. The latter’s “I voted to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act because it was my first day at …

Pharma CEO: We’re in Business of Shareholder Profit, Not Helping the Sick

Another Pharmaceutical CEO is stepping up to challenge Martin Shkreli as world’s most hated man. Last month, Martin Shkreli became a household name. The CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals is now infamous for raising the price of a newly-acquired drug to $750 a pill. He also explained in an interview that his company was not alone in acquiring drugs currently on …

Leid Stories – 10.12.15

Columbus: Uncovering the Myth of His New World ‘Discoveries’

More and more U.S. cities are giving Columbus Day a holiday, choosing instead to observe Indigenous People’s Day today. And with good reason. Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the New World in 1492 set in motion unrelenting waves of genocide throughout the hemisphere and ushered in the African slave trade in the Caribbean and the Americas.

Leid Stories presents the unvarnished truth about this merchant of death and destruction.

Leid Stories – 10.09.15

The Pre-Debate Debates, Right Here on Free Your Mind Friday!
Leid Stories listeners won’t be waiting for the other party’s Oct. 13 dog-and-pony show in Nevada to find out what the issues are and where the Democratic presidential candidates stand. It’s grist for mill on “Free Your Mind Friday,” the best open forum on the planet.
Call in (888-874-4888) and join our regularly scheduled People’s Debate.

Harvey Wasserman – Why Bernie and Hillary Must Address America’s Dying Nuke Reactors

Harvey Wasserman As the first Democrat presidential debate finally approaches (on Oct. 13), America’s nuke power industry is in accelerated collapse. The few remaining construction projects in the U.S. and Europe are engineering and economic disasters. Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders may address this in broad terms. But as a nation we must now focus on the 99 dying U.S. reactors that threaten us all every …

Ralph Nader – Monsanto vs. Freedom of Information Act

ext year, the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) will celebrate its 50th anniversary as one of the finest laws our Congress has ever passed. It is a vital investigative tool for exposing government and corporate wrongdoing. The FOIA was championed by Congressman John E. Moss (D-CA), who strove to “guarantee the right of every citizen to know the facts …