Paul Rogat Loeb – Youth Vote at Record Low — Here’s How to Reverse the Trend

The numbers are dismaying. According to a new US Census report, only 20% of eligible 18-29-year-olds voted in 2014. It was the lowest turnout in 40 years, below even 2010’s doleful 24%. Mid-term youth turnout is always low. But these numbers suggest a generation profoundly disconnected from the electoral choices that will help shape their world. Yet the decline need not …

Deirdre Fulton – Ostensibly independent groups reported to have close ties to a candidate account for 96 percent of total outside fundraising

Representing a “fundamental shift in how presidential campaigns are funded in the United States,” so-called shadow campaigns are already dominating the 2016 election cycle, according to a new study issued Tuesday by the Brennan Center for Justice. The report, Shadow Campaigns: The Shift in Presidential Campaign Funding to Outside Groups, reveals that ostensibly independent groups—many of which in reality enjoy …

Tom Blanton – Clinton e-mails “Potentially Classified”; So Is This Posting

Warning: If you hold a security clearance, reading this column could expose you to information that potentially violates your security agreement. Reading this column will certainly expose you to information that is currently classified by some securocrats, though not by others. The inspectors general of the State Department and the intelligence community have made a security referral to the Justice …

Robert Reich – The Revolt Against the Ruling Class

“He can’t possibly win the nomination,” is the phrase heard most often when Washington insiders mention either Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. Yet as enthusiasm for the bombastic billionaire and the socialist senior continues to build within each party, the political establishment is mystified. Political insiders don’t see that the biggest political phenomenon in America today is a revolt against the …

Leid Stories – 08.03.15

Powerful Symbols, But Symbolism Isn’t Power On Aug. 1, in Selma, Ala., the NAACP launched its “America’s Journey for Justice March”—a 40-day, 860-mile trek to the nation’s capital. The civil-rights organization’s president and CEO, Cornell William Brooks, said the march is meant to dramatize America’s persistent, race-based inequities That same day in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., the National Urban League wrapped …

Chris Floyd – Dung Bettles: Pope Denounces Davos Dominionists

*This is an edited version of my latest Counterpunch Magazine column.*  We are living in a world gone through the looking glass when the most strident, unequivocal — even scatological! — denunciations of capitalism and its discontents are coming from … the Bishop of Rome. While Bernie Sanders pushes centrist notions as “radical” reforms and Britain’s so-called Labour Party tries …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – WHY HILLARY CAN’T WIN—PART 3 – 07.28.15

For the third and final show of this series we’re again joined by world-renown election protection expert BOB FITRAKIS to discuss what we can expect in the presidential and other elections of 2016. The answer is clear:  we can expect the unexpected. In particular, given the fact that the nation’s electronic voting machines—and thus the ultimate vote count—are in the …

Leid Stories – 07.28.15

The 2016 Duopoly Doo-Wop: Are They Singing Your Tune? Judging from news coverage, especially in recent weeks, the 2016 presidential election is in full swing—cast, as usual, as a two-party squareoff. A crowded slate of 16 Republicans (so far) and a more modest one of five Democrats (so far) have been scouring the country looking for money and votes. To …

Alexa Corse – The Missing Hillary Emails No One Can Explain

Two very different groups are trying to track down months’ worth of Clinton emails. One wants to know about her reaction to Libyan violence; the other, about her aide Huma Abedin. Among the hundreds of emails released by the State Department from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private account, there is a conspicuous two-month gap. So far, there are …

Patrick Martin – The dark side of American politics

An “Editor’s Note” published on page two of Tuesday’s New York Times confirms that the supposed “newspaper of record” in the United States served as the instrument for a politically-motivated dirty trick directed at the presidential campaign of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last Thursday’s online edition of the Times, and its Friday print edition, claimed that the inspectors …