Leid Stories—New WikiLeaks Docs Reveal Even More Clinton Foundation Turmoil and Money-Grubbing Scams—10.24.16

Charles Ortel, former Wall Street financial analyst and leading expert on the Clinton Foundation, discusses more evidence of what he calls “bright-line” fraud by the charity and its multiple affiliates. The new bombshell revelations are based on thousands of insider emails and related documents released by WikiLeaks over the weekend.

Branko Marcetic – 3 Reasons To Be Worried About Blackstone Group

Buried among the thousands of John Podesta’s emails released over the last week, you’ll find a short, revealing exchange between Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta and Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress and Clinton advisor-in-waiting. “I saw Jon Grey [sic] today,” writes Podesta. “We both sang your praises.” “He’s a really good guy,” she replies. “And given he …

Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers – Newsletter: Time To Stop The Next War Now

There is another drumbeat growing for the United States to go to war. The media is walking in lockstep with bi-partisans in Washington, DC and with the war profiteers to this end. The likely next president, Hillary Clinton, is calling for escalation in Syria with a no fly zone that risks conflict with Russia, a nation she has been demonizing. …

Pam Martens – Banker Deaths and WikiLeaks Deaths Have a Common Thread

Julian Assange, founder and Editor-in-Chief of WikiLeaks, is the man responsible for the daily release of emails showing the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign to be an unprecedented machine whose tentacles and snitches reach into Wall Street, big corporations and big media. Earlier this year, WikiLeaks released emails showing that the Democratic National Committee had maliciously conspired to undermine the presidential …

Gary Null’s Letter To Michael Moore

October 21, 2016   Dear Michael,   I have known you for many years as a fellow film director and have admired your productions and efforts to shine a spotlight on many of the ills in our government and society.  I have considered you a loyal liberal. Nevertheless your recent wholehearted support of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party has …

Chris Hedges – How Power Works

Heather Ann Thompson’s book “Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy” is a detailed study of the inner workings of America. The blueprint for social control employed before and after the crushing of the Attica revolt is the same blueprint used today to keep tens of millions of poor people, especially poor people of …

Dave Johnson – Oregon Locals Take On Corporate Power With ‘Tax Corporations’ Measure 97

Much of Congress is captured by corporate money. So literally nothing gets through Congress if it interferes with the corporate/1% -boosting agenda. Many in the federal regulatory agencies are captured by promises of corporate payoffs after leaving government, so these agencies do almost nothing to crack down on corporate abuses of We the People. At the state level, the corrupting …

Henry A. Giroux | The United States’ War on Youth: From Schools to Debtors’ Prisons

If one important measure of a democracy is how a society treats its children, especially poor youth of color, there can be little doubt that American society is failing. As the United States increasingly models its schools after prisons and subjects children to a criminal legal system marked by severe class and racial inequities, it becomes clear that such children …