Julian Hattem – Critics see signs of improper ties in new Clinton emails

Republicans are seizing on a new collection of emails from senior aides to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, which they say show signs of corruption between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. At least three of the 44 new email exchanges released by conservative group Judicial Watch this week show a potentially inappropriate connection between senior State Department officials and …

Paul Craig Roberts – How Long Can Economic Reality Be Ignored?

Trump and Hitlery have come out with the obligatory “economic plans.” Neither them nor their advisors, have any idea about what really needs to be done, but this is of no concern to the media. The presstitutes operate according to “pay and say.” They say what they are paid to say and that is whatever serves the corporations and the …

Philip Weiss – Former AIPAC Official Says Israel Should get no US Aid without Ending ‘Oppressive’ Settlements

Here is another sign that what had been quiet disagreement between American Jews and Israel is breaking out in the open, thanks to the approaching jubilee year of the occupation. Citing “nearly half a century” of occupation, a former AIPAC official comes out for conditioning US aid to Israel on that country agreeing to freeze its illegal settlements in the West …

Nada Elia – Hillary Clinton is no feminist: Just look at her stance on Palestine

We need to scrutinise Clinton’s actions against the high standards to which she claims to aspire and ask what feminism has to do with it With Hillary Clinton now running as the Democratic Party’s official nominee, there has been much discussion about the glass ceiling finally shattering now that a woman is running for president on a major party ticket for …

Rob Kall – Assange Confirms: Murdered DNC staffer was Wikileaks’ source

In July, DNC staffer Seth Rich was gunned down in northwest D.C.  Police said his murder may have been the result of a robbery.Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is saying there is more to the story. In an interview with a Dutch media outlet known as Nieuwsuur on Tuesday, Assange admitted that Rich, a staffer in the voter data department of the DNC, was Wikileak’s source within the organization. Read more

Trends This Week – Reasons Behind the Rise of Gold – 08.10.16

Investors, not interested in buying negative-yielding bonds (guaranteed losses if held to maturity) and fearful of speculating in equity markets, have pushed gold prices up over 25 percent this year while pushing gold coin sales for the second quarter up 72 percent year to date. Global master forecaster Gerald Celente tells you why. Learn more at Trendsresearch.com

Robert Parry – Hillary Clinton’s Turn to McCarthyism

The irony of Hillary Clinton’s campaign impugning the patriotism of Donald Trump and others who object to a new Cold War with Russia is that President George H.W. Bush employed similar smear tactics against Bill Clinton in 1992 by suggesting that the Arkansas governor was a Kremlin mole. Back then, Bill Clinton countered that smear by accusing the elder President Bush …

Nadia Prupis – Dirty War Files Show How Clinton Ally Kissinger Backed Regime of Terror

Newly declassified papers on the U.S. government’s role in Argentina’s 1976-83 “Dirty War” have been released, detailing—among other things—how former secretary of state Henry Kissinger stymied attempts to end mass killings of dissidents. The files were published just after Politico reported that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is courting Kissinger’s support, among other Republican elites. Kissinger lauded Argentina’s military dictatorship for its “campaign against terrorism,” …

Infectious Myth – John Whitehead and the Psychopathological State – 08.09.16

David talks to John Whitehead about a wide variety of issues, starting with the Paula Jones sexual harassment case against President Bill Clinton, then government experiments on its own people, the militarization of police, over-criminalization, racism and torture. Fundamentally it is about freedom and slavery in the supposedly democratic West.

Pam Martens and Russ Martens – Sanders Supporters Stunned by Sudden Death of 38-Year Shawn Lucas Who Served the Lawsuit on the DNC and Wasserman Shultz

On Friday, July 1, just ahead of the long Fourth of July weekend, a happy, exuberant process server, 38-year old Shawn Lucas of One Source Process, served a lawsuit at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Senator Bernie Sanders’ supporters and named the DNC and its then Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, …