The best thing that could happen for America would be Wall Street divesting from the Democratic Party. The party would no longer be owned by the corporate oligarchy. America would finally have an opposition party, a party to fight the billionaire class and represent the working class. I hear many of you screaming, “But we have the Socialists, the Greens…” …
U.S. Congress Clears Deck for Pension Decimation
The Columbus Dispatch reported: Many retirees are unaware “of the risk to their pension as a result of the legislation passed in December as part of a spending bill meant to run the federal government through the rest of its fiscal year. The legislation affecting the retirees was added at the last minute. It is targeted at companies that enter into pension plans with other companies. There are …
It’s Time to Abolish Fraternities
When I was a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin in the early 1990s, the Greek system was an entirely foreign concept to me—unsurprisingly, since I was a foreign student. My blonde roommate from Minnesota asked me in a thick Midwest accent if I was “gonna rush,” to which I responded, “Where to?” Observing her desperate courting of …
Rahm Emanuel, the Face of Democratic Fascism, Deserves to Lose
hicago’s mayoral election may look like a local event, and the media mostly cover it as a local event, but the presence of a large, diverse, and energized opposition demanding change on basic issues of fairness and justice gives the city’s local result a potentially important, totemic meaning for the country. The outcome of the April 7 runoff election, which includes 40% …