The Suicide-Mass Murder Connection: A Growing Epidemic

The harsh reality of suicide is shrouded in mystery. Unknown to most Americans is the fact that suicide is sharply on the rise, particularly among the middle-aged. Suicide used to be concentrated primarily among the elderly. The dramatic rise in suicide among the middle-aged is a disturbing new trend over the last ten years. See a related article on the changing patterns and …

5 Mind-Blowing Policing Results of Colorado’s Marijuana Legalization

Coloradans voted to legalize marijuana in November 2012, possession became legal early the next year, and legal marijuana sales began in January 2014. The sky hasn’t fallen, and the state has already seen a decrease in traffic fatalities, an increase in tax revenues, and the emergence of a $700 million a year pot industry, with all the economic benefits it …

How to reduce your car’s impact

As we all know, cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles aren’t the best friends of the environment. However, for many of us it’s simply not practical to depend strictly on mass transportation or make the switch to an all-electric vehicle. As a green-thinking member of society, where does that leave you? What should your stance be on driving with relation to sustainability? …

Opinion: Why we object to mandatory vaccination measure

People do not opt out of vaccination lightly. They do so for reasons that define who they are. NEW Jersey’s lawmakers want to make it harder for parents to opt out of vaccines. This is a very bad idea. It erodes our rights and promotes increased government intrusion into our private religious, parental and medical affairs. The bill is discriminatory, …

What We Mean When We Say ‘Conspiracy Theory’

What exactly do we mean by the phrase “conspiracy theory”? The problem is vexing enough in the academic literature, where scholars have made countless attempts to formulate a firm definition, none of which has managed to push its rival definitions off the stage. In everyday usage, the term is even more slippery: Its meaning constantly stretches and narrows, particularly when …

Breaking: NJ Vaccine Exemptions Under Attack. Please Act Now!

Who do you want to make your children’s health decisions regarding vaccinating, politicians and lobbyists at your state legislatures or you as a parent? If we don’t act now, we won’t have a choice in the matter… NJ Coalition For Vaccination Choice Press Release (3/11/15): It is very likely that S1147, a bill that will limits and/or removes the use …

If We’re Going to Defend Social Security We Need to Understand It

The Republican-dominated Congress, with the help of a cadre of sell-out conservative Democrats in both chambers, are gearing up to attack Social Security again, under the guise of “saving” the program. The attack will be brutal, because the program’s assassins understand that this is probably their last chance to undermine Social Security. With the Baby Boom generation born after 1946 …