As I type these words, it looks as though the wheels are coming off the global economy. Greece and Puerto Rico have both suspended payments on their debts, and China’s stock market, which spent the last year in a classic speculative bubble, is now in the middle of a classic speculative bust. Those of my readers who’ve read John Kenneth …
Puerto Rico governor declares debts “not payable” By David Brown
On Sunday evening the governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla of the Popular Democratic Party, announced that the US commonwealth would need to restructure its $72 billion in debt. The island of 3.5 million people has been in a deep economic crisis since 2006, experiencing high unemployment, large-scale emigration and severe austerity measures. Between 2004 and 2014 Puerto Rico …
Puerto Rico Exports Its Drug Addicts to Chicago – Adriana Cardona-Maguigad
It all started about a year ago when I began noticing more homeless men in the Chicago neighborhood where I work. Back of the Yards is a community that faces some of the city’s toughest problems: joblessness, crime, drug use. Many of these men would be sitting in doorways or shuffling along on 47th Street, many times asking for money. …
The Largest Medical Conspiracy Ever
The largest medical conspiracy is not the one that causes physical disease to hundreds, thousands or millions of people, but the one that is set in motion to control the minds of people. For a long time, the psychotropic industry has not only made billions of dollars a year through the sale of pharmaceutical products used to “treat” mental patients, …