Progressive Radio Network

Race and ethnicity in the United States Census

There is little doubt that white racism played a role in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. As Zach Beauchamp demonstrates in a Nov. 10…
Election exit polls tell us the typical Trump voter was white (non-Hispanic), male, older, rural, and had no college degree. But that doesn't explain why…
Part I: Julia Feliz Brueck, Libby Finds Vegan Sanctuary Julia Feliz Brueck is the author and illustrator of the first ever vegan-themed board book for…
Cars were at a 12 minute standstill and the traffic light repeatedly cycled green to red. In the streets, throngs of sign-toting New Yorkers were…
If Donald Trump keeps all his campaign promises, thousands of churchescould disappear. That’s according to Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, who heads the National Hispanic Christian Leadership…
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill and Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who is considered by…
BILL QUIGLEY FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT When you find yourself in a suddenly darkened room, what do you do?   Some rush blindly to where they…
o Election Postscript: Computer Models and Forecasts are not absolutes
America - The CrossRhodes Featuring Raheem DeVaughn and Wes Felton - R&B/Hip Hop Theme Song From Which Way Is Up - Stargard - R&B/Funk -…
How relevant is the Statue of Liberty in this election?
Four Arrows (Wahinkpe Topa), whose Anglo name is Donald Trent Jacobs, is a professor at Fielding Graduate University and formerly the Dean of Education at…
Parental absence in early childhood as a result of death or relationship break-down is linked to a heightened risk of starting to smoke and drink…