Let’s talk about Hillary Clinton and the Historical Record – Nomi Prins

On March 10th, after eight days of anticipation, media and political uproar, the world fell privy to Hillary Clinton “breaking her silence” (aside from the stray tweet beforehand) regarding her decision to conduct government business from her personal clintonmail.com email address while Secretary of State – for ‘convenience’ purposes. There are basically two opinion camps that have formed around email-gate. …

The Era of Pretense – John Michael Greer

I’ve mentioned in previous posts here on The Archdruid Report the educational value of the comments I receive from readers in the wake of each week’s essay. My post two weeks ago on the death of the internet was unusually productive along those lines.  One of the comments I got in response to that post gave me the theme for last week’s essay, …

Leid Stories – 05.12.15

Yielding to the Duopoly: Is There A Left Left? The 2016 presidential election is picking up steam. That doesn’t seem to be the case, however, with an organized opposition to the six-of-one/half-dozen-of-the-other kind of politics we’ve been having for a long time now. It appears we’re still stuck with the Republican-Democrat duopoly. Even big labor and heretofore populist and left-of-center …

“21st Century Cures” Bill Is Actually a Throwback to the 20th Century

This legislation reveals once again that government will always be decades behind cutting-edge healthcare, and beholden to special interests as well. Action Alert! After a year of discussions and negotiation, Reps. Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Fred Upton (R-MI), together with three other co-sponsors, finally released a preliminary draft of their 21st Century Cures bill. It’s clear that the authors intend this bill to …

Converting the Fossil-Fuel Fundamentalists – Emily Schwartz Greco

Kicking humanity’s addiction to oil, gas, and coal before those industries render the planet uninhabitable may take a miracle. So it’s a good thing that the climate movement found a patron saint. I’m talking about Pope Francis, of course. Before an upcoming encyclical makes the Vatican’s stance official, he’s already spreading the gospel of a fossil-free future. In case, like …

Life Amidst Poverty – Andrea Fuller

I have lived in poverty both as a child and as an adult, and I can say with full confidence that it is a life-crushing force. I hated it. “Poverty” is also one of the most misunderstood labels that gets slapped onto individuals without their approval—cast upon them simultaneously by both unseen and more visible forces of society. Poverty is …

Wall Street Vampires – Paul Krugman

Last year the vampires of finance bought themselves a Congress. I know it’s not nice to call them that, but I have my reasons, which I’ll explain in a bit. For now, however, let’s just note that these days Wall Street, which used to split its support between the parties, overwhelmingly favors the G.O.P. And the Republicans who came to power this …

So, You Want A Clinton In The White House? – Mickey Z.

As the predictable cycle of presidential election denial settles in, its initial focus appears to be primarily on one Hillary Rodham Clinton. Thus, I thought I’d dust off some time-worn — and frighteningly ignored — info on what it was like to have a Clinton, um, occupying the White House. To begin, let’s all reflect back upon the years 1993 …

An Epidemic of CNE Syndrome Strikes Our State Governments – Jim Hightower

It’s well-known that harsh climate conditions can mess with your mind — from cabin fever to heat delirium. But America is now experiencing an even more dangerous mind-numbing disease called Climaticus Non-vocalism Extremism. Oddly, CNE Syndrome almost exclusively afflicts a narrow segment of our population: Republican political officials and candidates. Scientific studies suggest that CNE Syndrome might stem from a …

Wall Street Titans Who Crashed Global Economy in 2008 Go Big for TPP – Jon Queally

Even as millions and millions of Americans—represented by thousands of labor, environmental, family farm, consumer, faith, Internet freedom and other advocacy organizations—continue to stand firmly in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, those backing the TPP, including President Obama and a large majority of the Republican caucus, still have two dedicated demographic groups pledging their allegiance to the cause and arguing the …