State Department’s Hypocrisies and Lies

In last month’s Anti-Empire Report, I brought you the latest adventure of U.S. State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki trying to defend the indefensible. She said then: “As a matter of longstanding policy, the United States does not support political transitions by non-constitutional means,” which prompted me to inform my readers: “If you know how to contact Ms. Psaki, tell her to have …

The price to be paid for not cutting emissions of greenhouse gases could mean driving the planet across planetary boundaries, or “tipping points”.

An international team of scientists has tried a new approach to addressing the complex argument about the costs of climate change – and, once again, the prediction is that the costs of inaction will be so much greater than paying the bills now. The researchers − from the UK, Switzerland and the US − conclude that policy-makers must apply the …

Study: Pharmaceuticals Kill More Teens Than Illegal Substances in the US

Combine the number of overdose deaths caused by heroin and cocaine, and you still haven’t matched the number of deaths caused by pharmaceutical prescription medications each year in the United States. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, pharmaceutical abuse was responsible for about 23,000 deaths in 2013  — that’s more than half of the …

Fighting Dark Money to Restore Our Democracy

It’s no secret that since the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision approved unrestricted campaign spending by corporations, elections have been drowning in a flood of what’s referred as “dark money.” Much of it has been passed through so-called social advocacy groups, such as the Koch Brothers-founded Americans for Prosperity, which don’t have to reveal the source of the money …

Monsanto’s “Discredit Bureau” really does exist

Reuters is reporting that Monsanto is demanding a sit-down with members of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). This international scientific body is being called on the carpet for reporting that Monsanto’s most widely sold herbicide, which is inextricably linked to the majority of their genetically engineered products, is probably carcinogenic to …

The voodoo economics of Europe’s quantitative easing policy

In Europe, failure is no longer an option. If banks are in danger of collapse, in come the bailout loans. If countries have trouble financing themselves, the European Central Bank will buy their sovereign bonds. When inflation falls and growth stalls, there is a cure for that too – quantitative easing. QE, as it’s called, was officially announced in January …


March 19, 2015 – Birth defect rates rose after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown in five hard-hit US states bordering the Pacific Ocean, says a new journal article just after the 4th anniversary of the disaster. Among babies born April-November 2011, after the meltdown, the rate of five birth defects rose +13.00% in five Pacific states compared to 2010, and fell -3.77% …

Virulently Anti-American: 81 Percent Of Russians Now View The United States Negatively

Russians view the United States much more unfavorably today than they did during the end of the Cold War era.  As you will read about below, an astounding 81 percent of all Russians now view the United States negatively, and only 13 percent have a positive opinion of this country.  In all of the years when Russians have been surveyed …

Syngenta Accused Of Racketeering

At least a dozen Arkansas farmers have joined hundreds of farmers in 19 other states in almost 800 lawsuits against Swiss seed maker Syngenta over genetically modified corn seed, a case that has been widely reported in the media. But one of the lawsuits, filed on behalf of two Newport farms, contains a previously unreported twist: an allegation that Syngenta, …

Black Agenda Radio – 03.02.15

Triumph for Internet Neutrality The Federal Communications Commission last week ruled that the Internet should be regulated like a public utility, with no fast or slow traffic lanes. “The Verizons and Comcasts of the world wanted to create a class system on the Internet,” said Kevin Zeese, of Popular Resistance. Far from opening the way for a government “takeover” of …