ACTION ALERT: NPR Celebrates Fast-Track Victory With an All-Corporate Lobbyist Segment By Jim Naureckas

After the Senate joined the House of Representatives in granting President Barack Obama fast-track authority to negotiate trade agreements,National Public Radioaired one report (Morning Edition, 6/25/15) on the legislative action that paves the way for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and other corporate-friendly international deals. The report, by correspondent Yuki Noguchi, had three sources: Business Roundtable president John …

Stop Calling the TPP a Trade Agreement – It Isn’t – Dave Johnson

This is a message to activists trying to fight the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Stop calling the TPP a “trade” agreement. TPP is a corporate/investor rights agreement, not a “trade” agreement. “Trade” is a good thing; TPP is not. Every time you use the word “trade” in association with the TPP, you are helping the other side. “Trade” is a propaganda …

The Hidden ‘Betrayal’ In Obama’s Trade Agenda – Laura Barron-Lopez

As Congress prepares to give President Barack Obama expedited powers to “fast-track” trade deals through Congress, many U.S. steel mills and skeptics of Obama’s trade agenda are worried about steel dumping, the term commonly used to describe countries selling steel below market price. In an interview with The Huffington Post on Tuesday, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), one of the many …

Obama’s Ugly Show of Presidential Petulance – Jim Hightower

When the going got tough, Barack got in a huff, and then he got gruff. President Obama has worked himself into such a tizzy over the TPP that he’s lashing out at his progressive friends in Congress. He’s mad because they refuse to be stereotypical lemmings, following him over this political cliff called the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It masquerades as a …

With ‘Brave Tactic,’ Sanders Tries to Slam Brakes on Fast Track – Sarah Lazare

In what is being heralded as a “brave tactic,” Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday temporarily blocked lawmakers from rushing through legislation that would allow the Obama administration to “Fast Track” the controversial and highly secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. Sanders forcibly delayed the Senate Finance Committee from considering Fast Track legislation by using a rarely invoked senate scheduling rule, effectively preventing the …

There’s a Reason the Big Banks Aren’t Mad with Hillary

The Banks are hopping mad at Elizabeth Warren.  So mad, they’re threatening to stop contributing money to the Democrats unless she stops being so … so … accurate in her criticisms. Translated, this means they realize she can’t be bought.  Small wonder – Warren has been outspoken, plainspoken and passionate on where she stands on the economic issues of the day, which, …