The Conspiracy Guy – 10.18.17

Conspiracy Guy #47: It was a movie–a made-for-TV production! Think Showtime or Netflix! recruited perhaps a few hundred crisis actors, who were to react as though they were being fired up with real rounds. But it was sound effects (of a machine gun and assault rifle firing rounds, some of which could be heard to impact with hard surfaces) …

The Conspiracy Guy – 10.11.17

Conspiracy Show #46: Major breakthrough with regard to the Las Vegas event with the publication of a letter to Paul Craig Roberts from a military surgeon, explaining that, on the basis of extensive experience, the “victims” in the videos at hospitals are actors and the wounds are fake. Many other medical experts have written in support his medical findings on …

LOA Today – 07.20.17

The Secret, Chapter 7: The Secret To Health. What’s the secret to healing yourself, even from dread diseases like cancer or from horrific airplane crashes that leave you unable to move anything except your eyes? Here’s a hint: it’s all in your head! Download this episode (right click and save)

Ajamu Baraka – War, Repression and International Gangsterism

A mere two months after clashes between black youth and police in Baltimore following the murder of Freddie Gray while in police custody, President Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the indictment of twenty-four year old Raymon Carter for his alleged involvement in the torching of a CVS pharmacy. The national government’s intervention into the case had an unmistakable message …

Nadia Prupis – As ‘Muslim-Free Zones’ Flourish, Groups Demand DOJ Probe

A coalition of 82 civil liberties and human rights organizations, as well as faith-based groups and immigrant rights advocates, on Tuesday called on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the growing number of businesses around the country declaring themselves ‘Muslim-free zones.’ Doing so violates the constitutional rights of American Muslims, particularly under Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, …

Errors, fraud, lies, and William Saletan – GM papaya: Saviour or health risk?

In Part 1 of this series we saw how Saletan used his Slate magazine piece to blame the critics of golden rice for the blindness and death of countless malnourished children, without making it clear that the real reasons this GMO crop is still unavailable are: 1. it has failed its field trials; 2. it hasn’t been safety tested; 3. it hasn’t …

Silence Around Who Is Burning Black Churches Speaks Volumes – KIRSTEN WEST SAVALI

There is something both sinister and cowardly about trying to destroy Black Jesus. Black churches in North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida and Tennessee have burned in the weeks following the terrorist attack on Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. that killed 9 people. In response, agents of the state and mainstream media have attempted to gaslight black America into believing that the …

If ISIL had burned down 4 Churches, it would have been Headline News By Juan Cole

Seven African-American churches have burned down in the past week and at least four of these southern Black churches were victims of deliberate arson, and possibly six were. This news is being reported tentatively and in the passive mood. The churches burned or were burned. But that arson directed at an African-American church in the South after the Roof murders is likely the …

Mass Surveillance is Driven by the Private Sector – BILL BLUNDEN

Yet another report has surfaced describing how tools created by the malware-industrial complex are being deployed by U.S. security services. While the coverage surrounding this story focuses primarily on federal agencies it’s important to step back for a moment and view the big picture. In particular, looking at who builds, operates, and profits from mass surveillance technology offers insight into …

Us and Them: On Understanding Climate Denialism

So we’re in the midst of another round of climate-change related mud slinging. The latest issue of National Geographic, “The War on Science”, was seen to sneer at the 130 million American who don’t believe in human induced climate change. The Washington Times‘ Stephen Moore fired back with an emotional op-ed titled “The Myth of Settled Science,” and to go by the pundits …