Alternative Visions – US Fed Raises Rates Again + Part 3: Central Bankers at the End of their Ropes – 06.16.17

Dr. Rasmus reviews the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike decision this past week, showing how the Fed’s justifications for the rate hike based on ‘data’ are contradictory. How the data show no hike was justified. Rasmus explains how the Fed has been manipulating reporting the data on prices, unemployment and wages in order to justify 8 years of zero rate …

Alternative Visions – Is the US Economy Deteriorating? + Is Trump Really President? – 05.05.17

Jack Rasmus looks at some contrarian negative indicators that the US economy is stumbling: reports show productivity and fixed investment are nearly stagnant. Bank loans in 2017 are growing less than 3% compared to 10% in 2014-16, retail sales are negative last two months, the worst since 2010. Auto sales are declining three months in a row, worst since 2008. …

The Gary Null Show – 03.13.17

Monday March 13th Gary Null has an impact show for you. Gary starts off the program with the latest in health and healing covering the topics of how the brain functions after a death of a loved one, how to cope with depression in the best way possible and the health risks of Round Up. In the second half of the program Gary has an important offer for you his listeners. To wrap up the program Gary has some commentaries by Chris Hedges to talk about. These topics are the unemployment rate in American, the infrastructure Americans have and bankruptcy

DEAN BAKER – Is Globalization to Blame?

While we cannot accept the racism and misogyny on which Donald Trump’s electoral victory fed, we must recognize that the white working-class voters who largely supported him have real grievances. They have been economic losers over the last four decades. They have seen their wages stagnate, and their kids face bleak labor-market prospects. Their plight resulted from economic policies that …

Drake Baer – What Happens When You Give Free Money to Poor People

Finland, the country that gave the world the sauna, is now experimenting with another act of radical generosity. On January 1, it became the first European country to give unemployed citizens a “basic income” — a no-strings-attached monthly payment meant to cover the basic costs of living. The Guardian reports that it will be a two-year trial of 2,000 Finns …

Richard Eskow – Behind the Job Numbers, Millions Are Being Left Behind

A team of political scientists, writing in the Washington Post, concluded that “Trump supporters who are struggling economically perceive U.S. economic performance overall to be much worse than it actually is.” Those voters believed that the unemployment rate is three times higher than the official number, and these new figures aren’t likely to change that. “It is noteworthy,” the researchers …

The number of people on food stamps is plummeting at the fastest rate ever after the government made a key change

Fewer and fewer Americans are on food stamps, and the decline is only getting faster. According to Paul Trussell, an analyst at Deutsche Bank, the number of people utilizing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, in June 2016 was down 4.7% from the same month a year before, and the number of households using SNAP was down 5.2% year-over-year. …

Michael Snyder – The Percentage Of Working Age Men That Do Not Have A Job Is Similar To The Great Depression

Why are so many men in their prime working years unemployed?  The Obama administration would have us believe that unemployment is low in this country, but that is not true at all.  In fact, one author quoted by NPR says that “it’s kind of worse than it was in the depression in 1940″.  Most Americans don’t realize this, but more men from …

A Just Cause – Mothers Taken From Their Homes to Prisons – 06.19.16

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks speaks with Our Special Guests Eric Mason, President/CEO of Prison Reform and Community Engagement and Kristine Bunch, who was wrongfully arrested and charged with setting a fire that claimed the life of her three-year-old son, Anthony, on June 30, 1995, in a trailer home they shared in Decatur County, Indiana.

Economic Update – Higher Education in Crisis – 06.14.15

Updates analyze unemployment numbers to show what they hide as well as reveal. Responses to listeners’ questions expose the economics of lotteries and why the largest US corporations have recently used their profits to buy back their shares in the stock markets. An in-depth interview of Prof. Sohnya Sayres explores the end of free college and universities in the US, the rise of administrators dominating students and faculty, and what these trends have meant for the quality of higher education in the US.