“Updates on US defense spending, French vs US capitalism, Ikea’s US paid family leave, Trump’s economics. Interview with Prof Kristin Lawler on escapisms from capitalist drudgery: fantasy vs progressive.”
Lynn Stuart Parramore – The Zentrepreneur: Ayn Rand in Lotus Position?
You’ve seen the entrepreneur game-changing up a Silicon Valley storm. Perhaps you’ve met more recent additions to this can-do tribe: there’s the micro-entrepreneur, eagerly hopping along Task Rabbit with dry cleaning deliveries, and the social entrepreneur, hacking world hunger with a single app. Now there’s a new market maven in town. He levitates on puffs of peace and profundity, eager …
HENRY GIROUX – The Mad Violence of Casino Capitalism
American society is morally bankrupt and politically broken, and its vision of the future appears utterly dystopian. As the United States descends into the dark abyss of an updated form of totalitarianism, the unimaginable has become imaginable in that it has become possible not only to foresee the death of the essential principles of constitutional democracy, but also the birth …
Adam Taggart – The Death Of Hopium
As many readers know, I spent 15 years working in Silicon Valley before partnering up with Chris to start Peak Prosperity. I got my MBA at Stanford in 1999 when the dot-com bubble was at its zenith, and worked for both a VC-funded start-up as well as one of the biggest Internet juggernauts (Yahoo!). I lived in Palo Alto, the central core of the …
Ari LeVaux – The Local Food Movement Has Tripled in 20 Years, and Now Critics Are Taking Cheap Shots
In the last 20 years, the amount of local foods consumed in the American diet has tripled, according to USDA, and now comprises two percent of food consumed in the U.S. As with anything that’s popular, some have seen fit to tear it down. Why? Do they find the locavores annoying, or do they seriously believe, as many argue, that …
Study: US Congress Literally Doesn’t Care What You Think
Have you ever felt like the government doesn’t really care what you think? Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: Does the government represent the people? Their study took data from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that …