Let’s Create A Better World – 04.25.15

Since 1970, Earth Day has been celebrated on April 22 every year to draw people’s attention to the seriousness of what is happening to our environment all over the planet and to inspire them to take action;

Our guest, Susan Bass, is the Senior Vice President for the Earth Day Network which has offices all over the world and is headquartered in Washington, DC.

Meria Heller Show – 04.26.15

Conversations With David, Meria with David Icke. David’s new direction,site; how much more information do people need? Time for a change; the collective human consciousness must change;moving beyond the mind to an expanded consciousness;programmed perception, money the big one;Are you idealistic? Why are we here? re-evaluate your life; cogs in a machine;the definition of success;the Millennials-rejection of the programs;energetics;the global …

Economic Update – Capitalism and War – 04.26.15

Updates on UK elections, crisis’s long-term effects, Kansas demonizes the poor, and the mustard-ketchup economic war. Responses to listeners on child-support economics and car production moving to Mexico. Major discussions: capitalism and war – a history, new stages of Cuban socialism and US Cuba-policy, the high stakes of Greece’s economic situation.