Love Lust And Laughter – 03.24.15

Carl Frankel is a writer, entrepreneur and managing director of Sheri Winston’s Intimate Arts Center ( Dr. Diana and Carl discussed one of his books “Secrets of the Sex Masters” and specifically his chapter on ENERGY SEX with Reid Mihalko. To quote from their chapter: “…when you make sex more interesting, you make life more interesting…energy sex is magical in the sense that it’s not easily explained by our rational mind…It’s literally a wonderful experience, as in – full of wonder.”

It’s All About Food – Jessica Nadel and Christina Ross – 03.24.15

Part I: Jessica Nadel, Greens 24/7 Jessica Nadel writes the popular blog Cupcakes and Kale. She has a passion for healthy, local, plant-based eating and thinks that in a diet of vibrant, nourishing meals there is room for a cupcake or two, as well. She is also the proprietor/baker at Oh My Bakeshop, a natural and organic bakery of special-order …

The Infectious Myth – 03.24.15

In Episode 52 of “The Infectious Myth” David talks about freedom of speech. “Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdou” (I am not Charlie Hebdou) but that doesn’t mean that he is in favor of terrorism either. Freedom of speech is a complicated issue, and despite all the rhetoric that followed the horrible massacre in January, the liberal west is not …

Leid Stories – 03.24.15

Q’s Life Still Matters: A Family’s Quest for Justice In A Police Killing      (Part 3) L’Sana DJahspora, the father of 20-year-old game designer Cinque “Q” DJahspora, learned on the night of Nov. 6, 2014 that his son was dead—shot by a Jackson, Tennessee, police officer near the condominium complex where the DJahsporas lived. The way police dealt with him—when when …

Project Censored – 03.24.15

Peter, Mickey and their guests speak about independent journalism, transparency in government,
and social justice education. Abby Martin speaks about her years as host of “Breaking the Set”
on RT Television. Then Tanya Ward Jordan and Michael McCray examine new legislation meant
to enhance whistleblower protection in government and the financial sector. Finally, Sonoma State
University student Shelby Wade talks about organizing a Social Justice Week on her campus.

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – 03.24.15

The Truth About Beauty, “Breaking the Rules……Why Being a Health Rebel is Key to Achieving Successful Transformation”

Joining us today is Kat James, the award-winning author and renowned transformation expert of “The Truth About Beauty.” Before becoming the natural health world’s premiere beauty-oriented health expert, —and, before that, one of the most quoted celebrity makeup experts of the nineties—Kat had a far deeper transformation that involved overcoming a 12-year, heroin-like addiction to food and a slew of other serious diseases. After healing herself of one issue after the other while dropping ten dress sizes and dramatically transforming her skin in the process, Kat spent nearly a decade gathering the science to validate the unusual approach she pieced together for her own health & vitality. Since then, she’s gone on to help thousands dramatically transform their lives and their looks as she did through her bestselling book, her national health columns, talk radio show, PBS special, and her acclaimed Total Transformation programs. You can learn more about her at

Ask Beatty – 03.23.15

Would you trust an expert to help you find a spouse without knowing anything about your potential partner or without knowing what he/she looks like? Should colleges protect students from feeling hurt or upset about controversial subject matter? Should schools and universities teach relationship and sex education courses? Tune in and hear what John Jay Sociologist Jim Vrettos and Beatty think about these contemporary issues.