ERIC DRAITSER – Hillary Clinton and the Russian Specter

General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, do you recall what Clemenceau once said about war? Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: No, I don’t think I do, sir, no. General Jack D. Ripper: He said war was too important to be left to the generals. When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. But today, war is too important …

IMF’s Lagarde Slams Globalization, Warns Of A “Groundswell Of Discontent”

Two months after consultancy giant McKinsey dramatically flip-flopped on its long held position of praising globalization, cautioning that – as Britain’s vote to exit the European Union exemplified what happens when people feel like the system is letting them down – the system is on the verge of “explosion”, comparing the buildup of resentment over globalization to a dangerous natural gas leak in …

Leid Stories—Election 2016: What’s Shaping/Shaped Your Political Choice? (Part 2)—09.13.16

An avalanche of calls from listeners wanting to participate in yesterday’s discussion leads to Part 2 today. Leid Stories returns to our “poll” tracking attitudes about the 2016 presidential election, the issues driving it, and the combined effect on individual political decisions on Election Day and beyond.

Oliver Renick, Joseph Ciolli – Clinton Health Another Land Mine for Suddenly Vulnerable Markets

Investors nursing wounds after the worst selloff in three months for equity and debt markets got another stress to ponder after concerns over Hillary Clinton’s health flared anew. The 68-year-old Democratic presidential nominee, whose polling edge over Donald Trump has soothed traders who fear ruptures to U.S. policy and see virtue in political gridlock, is suffering from pneumonia and became overheated and dehydrated during a Sept. …

Chris Hedges – Fooled Again

The naive hopes of Bernie Sanders’ supporters—to build a grass-roots political movement, change the Democratic Party from within and push Hillary Clinton to the left—have failed. Clinton, aware that the liberal class and the left are not going to mount genuine resistance, is running as Mitt Romney in drag. The corporate elites across the political spectrum, Republican and Democrat, have …

Leid Stories—Election 2016: What’s Shaping/Shaped Your Political Choice?—09.12.16

The post-Labor Day campaign push customarily is an all-out effort to lock down votes in the final stretch of a presidential election. But election 2016 has been, and is, no ordinary presidential election. The duopoly’s leading candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, are intensely disliked and distrusted, but have been the mainstay of media coverage as essentially the dominant choices in the race. (They do, after all, account for the lion’s share of pay-to-play advertising dollars flowing into the media’s coffers this political season.)

JONATHAN H. MARTIN – Beyond Bernie: The Hidden Potential of Progressive Third Parties

Although the 2016 Democratic Convention came and went quickly this summer, disturbing questions that it raised for many U.S. progressives linger. How could Bernie Sanders, one of the most vocal critics of plutocracy, enthusiastically endorse Hillary Clinton? She is a classic corporate Democrat who defeated him in a blatantly rigged primary. And now that Bernie has backed such an establishment …

Leid Stories—Pot and Kettle: Hillary Clinton Boldly Assails Trump’s ‘Ethics’ – 9.07.16

With polls showing Donald Trump gaining ground on Hillary Clinton in the final stretch of the presidential race, Clinton is using all tactical weapons at her disposal to make him an also-ran. Her weapon of choice yesterday was ethics. Clinton boldly assailed Trump’s lack thereof in his debt-laden business operations, his still-unreleased tax returns, his lawsuit-plagued Trump University that went defunct six years ago, and the Trump Foundation’s violation of federal laws prohibiting charities from making political contributions.

Daniel Lazare – Hillary Clinton’s ‘Exceptionalist’ Warpath

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the most right-wing presidential candidate of all? The answer used to be Donald Trump, famous for his naked bigotry toward Mexicans and Muslims. But that was before Hillary Clinton supporters took a page from the old Joe McCarthy handbook and began denouncing their Republican opponent as “an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation” or arguing …