Expat Files – 02.23.18

Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #736- FRI, FEB 23- (02-23-2018): #1- It’s a small world after all: Gringos and expats find out quite soon that in Latin America many things like sinks, toilets, stairs and doors are pint-sized. But that’s not all. So are cloths and clothing sizes. That means apparel selection and cloths shopping can be a constant problem for …

Replenish Me – 02.22.18

In our fun conversation, Salma and I talk careers, dreams and having a family. Salma Jafri is a YouTube Certified Content Strategist and international speaker. She is the Founder of #BeTheMediaMastermind – video training academy for entrepreneurs. She is a Channel Partner and Contributor at Entrepreneur.com and host a weekly video show on You Tube called “Be the Media”. Website: …

Charles K. Bens, Ph.D. – The Beginning Of The End Of The War On Medicine

For nearly 100 years, there has been a serious war going on between the proponents ofallopathic (conventional) medicine and those who support natural or  functional medicine. Functional medicine in the form of herbal,1,2 Ayurvedic, and Chinese medicine was dominant around the world for hundreds of years. 3-5 Then, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the germ theory 6,7 of disease began to take …

Sayer Ji – Why The Apple Is One Of The World’s Most Healing Superfoods

This age old saying has never rang with greater promise and authority than it does today. As in the modern era, doctors bring with them a battery of tests, drugs, andinterventions, all of which carry unintended, adverse health risks that often outweigh their purported benefits, and are therefore best avoided whenever possible. Also, apples are also far cheaper than doctors, …