“Eleanor LeCain talks about Future Now, a new organization which supports candidates who push for progress on 7 ambitious, measurable goals in local state governments to drive nationwide change, with Co-founder and Executive Director Daniel Squadron, a former New York state senator.” Download this episode (right click and save)
Expat Files – 06.04.17
Download this episode (right click and save) #1- Are Caribbean Islands a possibility in your Plan B? Yes, there are a handful of Latin Caribbean Island countries, like the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Puerto Rico to think about, but some people are also thinking about certain non-Latin island countries too, like Jamaica, where there’s the added attraction that the natives …
Paul Buchheit – Why We Need Democratic Socialism to Fix Our Educational System
Latoya and Jalesa, both 26, grew up on the west side of Chicago, attending Calhoun Public School during the day and stepping across the street to Marillac Social Center for after-school programs. They lived in a tough neighborhood. Latoya said the summer gunshots came as often as the sound of ice-cream truck bells in the suburbs. But everyone knew each …
Lawrence Davidson – Deep Poverty in America: the On-Going Tradition of Not Caring
In the assessment of poverty in the United States there is a category known as “deep poverty.” The definition of deep poverty, as given in a recent article on this subject in the Philadelphia Inquirer of 30 September 2015, goes as follows: “deep poverty is measured as income of 50% or less of the poverty rate.” In other words, the …
Risk of financial crisis higher than previously estimated International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
The study, published in the journal Financial Stability, introduces a new method that allows researchers to estimate the systemic risk that emerge from multiple layers of connectivity. “Systemic risk is the risk that a significant part of the financial system stops working–that it cannot perform its function,” says IIASA Advanced Systems Analysis program researcher Sebastian Poledna, who led the study. …
Jeff Thomas – From Crisis To Confiscation – Where Do I Store My Wealth?
International diversification of wealth (no matter how large or small) can save your economic freedom. Although most of our readers thoroughly understand this concept, one of the most oft-heard concerns is that, by offshoring assets, one may not be able to get to them as easily as they now can. Here’s the response to that, and some practical advice on …
How the Fed screwed up the bond market – Jeff Cox
Live by central bank liquidity; die by central bank liquidity. That could well become the mantra for a bond market that, after years of support by the Federal Reserve and its global counterparts, now finds itself suffering under the unintended consequences of the trillions in easing distributed to allay the fears of a market in crisis. “Liquidity,” in fact, is the word …
The Clintons and Their Banker Friends – By Nomi Prins
[This piece has been adapted and updated by Nomi Prins from chapters 18 and 19 of her book All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power, just out in paperback (Nation Books).] The past, especially the political past, doesn’t just provide clues to the present. In the realm of the presidency and Wall Street, it provides an ongoing pathway …
Central Banks Warn: Investors May Get Crushed When They All Run for the Exits
Companies are selling bonds like madmen. This year through Tuesday, investment-grade and junk-rated companies have sold $438 billion in new bonds, up 14% from the prior record for this time of the year, set in 2013, according to Dealogic. This quarter is already in second place, nudging up against the all-time quarterly record of $455 billion of Q2 2014. About $87 …