For thousands of years, olive oil was known to be beneficial for health. Muhammad, the ancient prophet of Islam, applied it to his head and advised his followers to use it on their bodies as it was good and life giving. It was also revered as “holy oil” and used in baptism within the Christian church for centuries. Even the …
Brendan Kelly – The Yin and Yang of Cancer and Climate Change
Almost all of what we hear about cancer comes from our usual western perspective. Things like how smoking can increase the likelihood of developing the condition and how eating vegetables can reduce the chances. However, if we look at cancer from a different view, we begin to see that what’s happening within us is also happening in the world around …
The Gary Null Show – 09.04.15
Anthony Samsel is an independent research scientist and consultant deeply concerned with public health. In the past he was a research chemist for Arthur D Little and has consulted for JBF Scientific and the US EPA. In recent years Anthony has focused his independent research into the adverse risks of agricultural chemicals, particularly Monsanto’s glyphosate or Roundup, and publishing his findings, in collaboration with Dr. Stephanie Seneff at MIT, on its relationship to cancer and other diseases. Their collaboration has produced 3 research papers published in the journal Entropy on the roundup-cancer relationship and a fourth paper will be published this month.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a senior research scientists at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She holds four degrees from MIT including degrees in Biophysics and a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She is a fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association for her research in human auditory and language processing, and has published over 170 science papers during her career. In recent years, Dr. Seneff’s research has returned medical and health issues, micronutrient deficiencies and the negative health consequences of aluminum, glyphosate and statin drugs including their relationship to Alzheimers, autism, adverse vaccine reactions and other illnesses. Her website
Big mistake: Conventional medicine performs double mastectomy when not needed
Brutal behavior: Should we really be doing this to women? Known as ductal carcinoma in situ, or D.C.I.S., the Stage O breast cancer condition equates to the finding of abnormal cells, confined to the milk ducts of the breast. Diagnosed cases of D.C.I.S. have soared in recent years due to advanced mammography, which is now able to detect even the …
New Study: DDT Exposure Linked to 4-Fold Breast Cancer Increase – Christina Sarich
It’s been decades since the world was exposed to the pesticide DDT, but almost everyone is suffering after being exposed to the chemical during WWII and from the 1950’s and 60’s in the US, until today in places globally that, unfortunately, still use it. New damning evidence is proving that DDT is more noxious than ever, causing a four-fold increase in breast cancer …
50% Increase in Breast Cancer Expected, But No One Talks About its Biggest Causes – Christina Sarich
A new study from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) predicts fifty percent more women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the next few decades, with more than 441,000 new cases expected in the US by 2030. The study points to an aging population as the reason why we can expect such a dramatic leap in breast cancer cases, but is that thereal reason why …
Tomorrow’s Anti-Aging Treatment, Available Today
For people who have a few hundred thousand dollars to spend and are willing to take on the risks of an “early adopter” and travel to South America, options are now becoming available that were inconceivable just a few years ago. A new company is leapfrogging over the time-consuming process of testing and regulatory approval, and offering the best-established and …
New research: Benefits of meditation seen at cellular level in breast cancer survivors
For breast cancer survivors, recovering and maintaining remission are of utmost importance – especially after enduring months or even years of invasive treatments like surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy. The body takes a beating during conventional cancer treatment and is typically left damaged, worn out and in need of healing therapies both physically and mentally. Many breast cancer survivors turn to complementary and …