New government plan targets pregnant women for vaccinations

Federal health officials continue to push a widespread vaccination agenda, despite strong evidence that immunizations can harm or even kill patients while offering no reassurance of avoiding disease. But, now, this government-sponsored agenda has reached an all-time low. Their latest target? One of the most vulnerable groups: pregnant women. In a National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) report published by the United States …

Almost one-fifth of Americans now take psychotropic drugs to cope with everyday life – Jonathan Benson

The results of the annual Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index are in, and the methods by which many Americans now cope with their daily lives in this brave new world are sobering. Roughly one in five individuals living in the U.S., based on a random survey of people living in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, now take some type …

Treatment Manual for HPV Vaccine Injured

This manual was produced as a joint effort between the HPV vaccine injured youngsters, their parents, Orthomolecular doctors, international researchers, Nutrition Therapist Mr. Frede Damgaard and General Practitioner Stig Gerdes. The treatment has been shown to have a therapeutic effect on those injured by the HPV vaccine. As of this writing, there are currently 14 young women/girls in treatment and …

Nations Failing to Combat ‘Global Threat’ of Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs: WHO – Deirdre Fulton

The world’s ability to practice medicine and treat both common and serious illnesses is at risk, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned in a new report analyzing global misuse of antibiotics and the increasing spread of antimicrobial resistance. “This is the single greatest challenge in infectious diseases today,” stated Dr. Keiji Fukuda, WHO’s assistant director-general for health security. “All types of microbes—including many …

US Vaporized Marshall Islands, Performed Human Experimentation On Natives – Robert Barsocchini

…we test out our latest weapons on them, just as the Germans tested out new medicines and new tortures in the concentration camps of Europe… – Martin Luther King, Jr. Investigative journalist William Boardman’s findings on US vaporization of Marshall Islands and human experimentation on Marshall Islands native “savages”, as they were classed by US media: “Nuclear Savage” is a recent documentary film …

CBS: Gardasil Vaccine Can Cause Infection With Higher Risk HPV Strain – Erin Elizabeth

Women who receive the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine may be more likely to be infected with the higher-risk strains of the virus than women who do not get the vaccine, according to a new study. Oh! but not to worry, you just have to get – (you guessed it) more shots and you’ll survive! (or so they hope)  We go on …

GM Mosquitoes: Bad for Business in the Keys – Wenonah Hauter and Barry Wray

This week, local officials in the Florida Keys will decide whether to approve the first ever release of genetically engineered (GMO) mosquitoes in the United States. Yes, you read that right: lab-engineered mosquitoes could be released in one of America’s favorite tourist destinations very soon, even though it’s unclear if any government agency has evaluated the full array of health …

Are New Vaccine Mandates Designed to Target the Poor? – Joshua Krause

Ever since the measles outbreak in Disneyland, there has been a determined effort by legislators in California, to repeal the state’s current vaccine exemptions. If they succeed, the only way parents can skip their children’s vaccinations, is if there is an acceptable medical reason. As you can imagine, those who are deeply concerned over the safety and efficacy of vaccines have …

Government Vaccine Committee Considers How to Build Vaccine Confidence

…but verifying or improving the safety of vaccines is not on the list. Action Alert! [1] You may remember our article [2] on the National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s (NVAC) plan to increase adult immunizations, which could eventually lead to adult mandates. Now, NVAC’s Vaccine Confidence Working Group has released a draft report [3] that considers “how confidence in vaccines impacts the optimal use of recommended childhood vaccines in …

Bacterial flora of remote tribespeople carries antibiotic resistance genes

Scientists have found antibiotic resistance genes in the bacterial flora of a South American tribe that never before had been exposed to antibiotic drugs. The findings suggest that bacteria in the human body have had the ability to resist antibiotics since long before such drugs were ever used to treat disease. The research stems from the 2009 discovery of a …