Andre Vltchek – Please Do Not Poison My Brain With The US Elections!

I am consecutively stuffing my ears with various airline earplugs, in order not to hear the news blasted on the radio. I am closing my eyes when the topic appears on TV, even on RT or Press TV. I skip newspaper headlines. I beg my friends, comrades and relatives not to bring up the subject in front of me. I don’t …

Religious decline does not equal moral decline, says researcher

Morality is not rooted in religion and religion matters less for moral values now than it did thirty years ago, says a University of Manchester researcher. Dr Ingrid Storm’s findings, based on her analysis of European survey data, found that religious decline does not equal moral decline. According to Dr Storm, whose research is published in Politics and Religion, involvement …

Leid Stories – 12.24.15

It’s ‘Free Your Mind Friday!’ A Whole Day Early!
The Grinch steals tomorrow, but “Free Your Mind Friday” won’t be among his Christmas loot. It’s “Free Your Mind Thursday” on Leid Stories—the gift of gab a whole day early!
Add your distinctive flavor to this tasty intellectual soup. Call in (888-874-4888) and dish on the issues of the day.

Scientists find: Religion and politics led to social tension and conflict, then and now

Humans haven’t learned much in more than 2,000 years when it comes to religion and politics. Religion has led to social tension and conflict, not just in today’s society, but dating back to 700 B.C. according to a new study published today in Current Anthropology . University of Colorado anthropology Professor Arthur A. Joyce and University of Central Florida Associate Professor Sarah …

Mark Morford – Jesus in America Today: Spit Upon, Beaten, Banned

Here is Jesus H. Christ, walking around modern America, right now. Can you imagine him? Here is, in other words, a dark-skinned, bearded, unkempt Middle Eastern Jew, acting all kinds of suspicious, ranting on street corners and hanging around with prostitutes and fanatics, rejecting money, violence and the ruling class, seen by Muslims as the divine precursor to their prophet as he lures the …

Stephen Lendman – Police State Public Education In America

America’s founders believed education was insurance against loss of liberty. Jefferson said “(e)very government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories. And to render them safe, their minds must be improved…” Public education is vital because it serves the public interest – giving meaning to “we the people.” …

Highly religious Americans are less likely to see conflict between faith and science

Pew Research Center WASHINGTON, D.C. (Oct. 22, 2015) – A majority of the public (59%) says science and religion often conflict, while 38% says science and religion are mostly compatible. But people’s sense that there is a conflict between religion and science seems to have less to do with their own religious beliefs than it does with their perceptions of …

Kelly Brogan – What’s the Point of Health?

When the body comes into harmony, it’s more than just symptom relief, it’s an opportunity to come into yourself and ascend that ladder. I used to be an atheist, in fact, I used to be a self-described “belligerent atheist”.  I thought that religious dogma was the outgrowth of fear and unresolved parental issues. Certainly, much modern religion has lost touch …

Dr. Filippo Romeo – The Rebirth of the Patriarch Of Moscow: Moscow Politics in Harmony with the Russian Orthodox Church?

The origins of Christianity in Russia go back to 988 and coincide with the baptism of Prince Vladimir the Great. He had come to Constantinople, following which the evangelization of the Principality Kievan Rus’ started. The latter included the space currently occupied by the areas of Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus, considered the predecessor of the Russian Empire. Formed by …

Darwin’s Casino – John Michael Greer

Our age has no shortage of curious features, but for me, at least, one of the oddest is the way that so many people these days don’t seem to be able to think through the consequences of their own beliefs. Pick an ideology, any ideology, straight across the spectrum from the most devoutly religious to the most stridently secular, and …