Increased carbon dioxide levels in air restrict plants’ ability to absorb nutrients

The rapidly rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affect plants’ absorption of nitrogen, which is the nutrient that restricts crop growth in most terrestrial ecosystems. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have now revealed that the concentration of nitrogen in plants’ tissue is lower in air with high levels of carbon dioxide, regardless of whether or not the …

Plants may run out of time to grow under ongoing climate change

A key potential ‘benefit’ of global warming–namely, that plants at northern latitudes will thrive in a warmer world–is challenged by a new study released by University of Hawai’i scientists today. The prevailing assumption ignores the fact that plants in the North will remain limited by solar radiation, curbing positive effects of warming and additional CO2 availability. In addition, that same warming …

Ice sheet collapse triggered ancient sea level peak

An international team of scientists has found a dramatic ice sheet collapse at the end of the ice age before last caused widespread climate changes and led to a peak in the sea level well above its present height. The team found the events 135,000 years ago caused the planet to warm in a different way to the end of …

Boreal peatlands not a global warming time bomb

To some scientists studying climate change, boreal peatlands are considered a potential ticking time bomb. With huge stores of carbon in peat, the fear is that rising global temperatures could cause the release of massive amounts of CO2 from the peatlands into the atmosphere–essentially creating a greenhouse gas feedback loop. A new study by researchers at the University of South …

G7 Climate Goal Will ‘Send Shivers Down the Spine’ of Fossil Fuel Industry – Lauren McCauley

In an acknowledgement of the severity of the climate crisis, officials from the some of the world’s leading economic powers on Monday issued a joint statement calling for a “decarbonization of the global economy over the course of this century.” In a communique (pdf) issued on the second and final day of the G7 summit in Bavaria, Germany, leaders from the United …

Faking It While the World Burns By Emily Schwartz Greco

Rex Tillerson, of all people, just did the climate movement a big favor. He didn’t hand the Sierra Club tens of millions of dollars to fight the coal industry like former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg. Nor did the chairman and CEO of Exxon Mobil follow former hedge fund investor Tom Steyer‘s lead by giving political candidates with climate cred campaign …

Fossil Fuel Subsidies To Hit $5.3 Trillion In 2015, Says IMF – Ed King

Subsidies for fossil fuels that cause climate change have soared since 2013, a new study from the International Monetary Fund has revealed. Oil, gas and coal costs will be subsidized to the tune of US$5.3 trillion a year in 2015. The last time the IMF ran the data it calculated they were worth $1.9 trillion. Economists say the latest figures …

The Inquisition Redux – ROBERT HUNZIKER

Throughout history few people gain the recognition to become part of humanity’s everyday lexicon, especially if they commit heresy. Indeed, Galileo, whose name rhymes with grade school learning, suffered ridicule at the hands of the world’s highest authorities in the 17th century. But, nowadays Galileo is a hero. Arguably, Dr. James Hansen is today’s Galileo. The Inquisition still stands tall. …

An Epidemic of CNE Syndrome Strikes Our State Governments – Jim Hightower

It’s well-known that harsh climate conditions can mess with your mind — from cabin fever to heat delirium. But America is now experiencing an even more dangerous mind-numbing disease called Climaticus Non-vocalism Extremism. Oddly, CNE Syndrome almost exclusively afflicts a narrow segment of our population: Republican political officials and candidates. Scientific studies suggest that CNE Syndrome might stem from a …