-A few words about those strange and sometimes wonderful middle-class Latin yard parties and celebrations because you’ll be invited to attend these events now and again(maybe way too often). -Prepare and get your earplugs ready for the rockets and fireworks when your neighbors have their weekend events and parties. Sometimes those things can get very loud and go well …
The Mark Riley Show – 07.29.15
Mark discusses these topics on the show today: Woman found dead in holding cell in Westchester County. This could be something simply tragic, but after Sandra Bland, people have a right to be suspicious. And speaking of Sandra Bland…. Texas authorities release more jailhouse video relating to Sandra Bland case. They spinning as hard as they can, but the fact …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – WHY HILLARY CAN’T WIN—PART 3 – 07.28.15
For the third and final show of this series we’re again joined by world-renown election protection expert BOB FITRAKIS to discuss what we can expect in the presidential and other elections of 2016. The answer is clear: we can expect the unexpected. In particular, given the fact that the nation’s electronic voting machines—and thus the ultimate vote count—are in the …
Mary Green Swig, Roger Hickey & Steven Swig – One In Eight Americans Burdened By Student Loan Debt, Including 700,000 Seniors
It will not be news to 41 million Americans that this nation is in the middle of a student debt crisis. That’s the number of people burdened by student loan payments. But many people, including many student debt holders, may be surprised to learn that people can be pursued for student debt even into their elder years. In fact, the …
Leid Stories – 07.28.15
The 2016 Duopoly Doo-Wop: Are They Singing Your Tune? Judging from news coverage, especially in recent weeks, the 2016 presidential election is in full swing—cast, as usual, as a two-party squareoff. A crowded slate of 16 Republicans (so far) and a more modest one of five Democrats (so far) have been scouring the country looking for money and votes. To …
Patrick Martin – The dark side of American politics
An “Editor’s Note” published on page two of Tuesday’s New York Times confirms that the supposed “newspaper of record” in the United States served as the instrument for a politically-motivated dirty trick directed at the presidential campaign of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last Thursday’s online edition of the Times, and its Friday print edition, claimed that the inspectors …
David Sirota – More 2016 Candidates Embrace the Donald Trump Zeitgeist … Including Hillary Clinton
Since announcing his 2016 White House bid, Donald Trump has been the central focus of the campaign—by one estimate, he has garnered almost 40 percent of all election coverage on the network newscasts. Clearly, The Donald’s attempt to turn 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. into Trump White House has attracted so much attention because the candidate is seen as a Bulworthesque carnival …
Elias Isquith – The media’s attempts to take Trump down are doomed. The more they hate him, the stronger he gets
Now that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is no longer a bizarro mid-summer distraction but a real-life thing that is actually happening, the response of the political class is beginning to change. At first, they treated “The Donald’s” candidacy as a welcome distraction from Hillary Clinton. But then Trump broke one of their cardinal rules — “Thou shalt not take cheap …
Greg Richter – Trump: I Would Consider Palin for Post in My Administration
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump says he would consider former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for his administration if he wins the White House. Appearing Monday on “The Palin Update with Kevin Scholla” on Mama Grizzly Radio, Trump was asked whether he might seek Palin’s advice as president, or even have her in his administration in an official capacity. “I’d love …
Dark Tower – Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex
Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex Ivana Trump once accused the real-estate tycoon of ‘rape,’ although she later clarified: not in the ‘criminal sense.’ Donald Trump introduced his presidential campaign to the world with a slur against Mexican immigrants, accusing them of being “rapists” and bringing crime into the country. “I mean somebody’s doing it!… Who’s doing …