Fracking Companies Keep 10% of Chemicals Secret, EPA Says

By Neela Banerjee,  InsideClimate News Mar 31, 2015 Oil and gas companies refuse to disclose 10 percent of the hundreds of chemicals they use during hydraulic fracturing, according to a new analysis by the Environmental Protection Agency. The revelation comes in a major installment of the EPA’s study of the potential risks of fracking on drinking water. The agency’s assessment …

California’s Dire Drought Leads to Record Low Snowpack Levels at 6%, Triggers Mandatory Conservation Measures

California’s dire drought conditions have finally triggered more meaningful action at the state level. Today, Gov. Brown issued an executive order which calls on state and local water agencies “to implement a series of measures to save water, including increased enforcement to prevent wasteful water use, streamline the state’s drought response, and invest in new technologies,” according to California Coastkeeper Alliance. The governor issued the statement today as readings …

New Research: Fluoridated water increases ADHD rates

 More than four out of five of America’s largest cities add fluoride to municipal water sources, a trend that has been growing since Grand Rapids, Michigan became the first to do it in 1945. For decades, scientists have been enamored with the association between fluoridated water and a decreased rate of tooth decay among the communities that drink it.  But, this …

Why fresh water shortages will cause the next great global crisis

Water is the driving force of all nature, Leonardo da Vinci claimed. Unfortunately for our planet, supplies are now running dry – at an alarming rate. The world’s population continues to soar but that rise in numbers has not been matched by an accompanying increase in supplies of fresh water. The consequences are proving to be profound. Across the globe, reports …

The Most Brazen Rip-Off Ever? How the Beverage Industry Brainwashed You to Fear Tap Water

The biggest con job perpetrated on the consumer is not some shady operation selling bogus cures through TV infomercials. America’s biggest snake-oil salesman is actually the beverage industry, or Big Bev, which resells the simplest and most vital product for thousands of times its value. That product is drinking water. Multinationals like PepsiCo, the Coca-Cola Company and Nestle rake in a …


Geologist Qusheng Jin had “a wild hypothesis” in 2008 that a bacterial process was at work in an arsenic-contaminated aquifer in Oregon’s southern Willamette Valley. In a paper published in the journal Nature Geoscience, Jin’s team shows the process is in play and concludes the practice of just monitoring total arsenic levels for groundwater safety is not enough. They suggest organic …

DuPont ‘Poisoned Water Supply’ for 50 Years

A federal lawsuit has been filed against the chemical company Dupont by residents of West Virginia after being poisoned with a chemical called C8. The plaintiffs seek damages from Dupont for contaminating their drinking water. DuPont has a habit of poisoning people – as many chemical companies do. The company has been sued hundreds of times for contamination both the environment and …