The Mark Riley Show – 09.09.15

– Kim Davis is freed from jail in Kentucky gay marriage dispute. Whether this woman stayed in jail wasn’t the issue. Now that she’s out, she needs to stay out of the business of issuing marriages unless she’s prepared to follow the law.

– Oregon judge who refused to perform same sex marriages hung portrait of Hitler in courthouse and bullied veterans: documents. How do people like this get jobs, for God’s sake? Any of these three allegations, if true, should disqualify him.

– As New Mexico scandals grow, Democrats hope to tarnish governor. My experience says that the benefits of scandal to the opposition is limited, and means if the show ever winds up on the other foot, there will be no quarter given.

– Mayor de Blasio says homeless problem is decades old. Well, DUH! Maybe this was reaction to criticism from Giuliani, but why react?

William Kaufman – The Sanders Paradox: a Brief for Bernie

In this presidential summer of our discontent, the radical left has been fighting hard—not chiefly against capitalism and its galloping calamities, it seems, but against . . . Bernie Sanders. Scarcely a day passes without an ominous recitation of Sanders’s manifold political shortcomings—Sanders exposés seem to have become a thriving cottage industry for the far-left commentariat. It should come as …

David A. Graham – A Quick Guide to the Questions About Clinton Cash

Après Schweizer, le déluge. At the start of the week, The New York Times revealed that Peter Schweizer, a Republican researcher, was close to publishing a book delving into the financial dealings of the Clinton Foundation. The book focuses on how donations from foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation correlated with favorable decisions from the State Department while Hillary Clinton …

Matt Taibbi – The rise of Trump obliterates all other issues — campaign 2016 is now almost entirely about race

ABC News published an intriguing poll the other day, one that spelled out a growing racial divide: “Nonwhites see Trump negatively by a vast 17-79 percent… That said, whites are the majority group – 64 percent of the adult population – and they now divide evenly on Trump, 48-49 percent, favorable-unfavorable. Clinton, by contrast, is far more unpopular than Trump …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 09.03.15

PETER MATHEWS graces Solartopia with his DOLLAR DEMOCRACY. Prof. Mathews lays out the exciting realities of the Bernie Sanders campaign and the desperate need for the American public to get money out of our politics.

Peter has known the late great Paul Wellstone, whose pioneer campaign for the US Senate in Minnesota brought a corporate-free reality into our mainstream. Sen. Sanders is now doing the same thing, Prof. Mathews beautifully illustrates the reality of how this can happen.

Peter also explains for us the need for corporations to be banned from shoving GMO crops down our throats, from maintaining a thousand military bases around the world, from gouging students for high-interest loans and much much more.

Don’t miss this hard core exploration of the desperate need for getting free of the money power from one of America’s great experts….

Andre Damon – Wages for low-income workers collapsed under Obama

With the approach of the 2016 elections, the Democratic Party and its trade union allies are once again ramping up their efforts to fraudulently posture as advocates of working people. Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have called for raising the federal minimum wage, while the Obama administration has made much ado about a set of trivial changes to …

Michael Krieger – The Oligarch Recovery – Low Income Americans Can’t Afford to Live in Any Metro Area

We were told we needed to bail out Wall Street in order to save Main Street. Well the results are in… Wall Street has never done better, and Main Street has never done worse. From the Huffington Post: Low-income workers and their families do not earn enough to live in even the least expensive metropolitan American communities, according to a new analysis …

Steven Rosenfeld – The Depressing Secret Behind Donald Trump’s Appeal: America’s Love of Narcissists

Nobody needs a psychology degree to know the 2016 presidential campaign trail is filled with genuine narcissists—exceptionally vain men and women who see themselves as deserving attention and power. And then, in a class by himself, is Donald Trump. Remarkably, the chord that Trump has struck with voters is growing, to the dismay of the Republican establishment and to the …

The Gary Null Show – 08.31.15

Dr. Michael Hudson is one of our nation’s important economists and Wall Street financial analysts. He is currently the President of The Institution for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends and was the Chief Economic Policy Advisor for the Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s 2008 presidential campaign. He is a research professor of economics at the University of Missouri at Kansas City and a research association at the Levy Economics Institute at Bard College. Dr. Hudson has served as an advisor to the White House, State and Defense departments at the Hudson Institute, in addition to the United Nations Institute where he became a specialist in global economics.

Dr. Hudson has written several books and many important papers and articles, the latest being “The Bubble and Beyond: Fictitious Capital, Debt Deflation and Global Crisis” AND “Financial Capitalism and its Discontents”. His website is