Donald Trump Isn’t the Exception – He’s the Republican Prototype. – PIERRE TRISTAM

Republicans are panicking that Donald Trump is ruining their good name while Democratic atheists are praying to god that Trump somehow manages to stay in the race through many a debate. They think this ex-Democrat and Republican apprentice who made “branding” the tackiest marketing trick on earth is their best hope to keep trashing the GOP’s brand without spending a …

Clinton Challenged to Break Up—and Break Up With—Wall Street Banks – Lauren McCauley

Faced with the possibility of yet another Wall Street crony taking over the Oval Office next year, progressive lawmakers are directly challenging Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton to break up—and break up with—the big banks. Speaking at an annual meeting for progressive organizers and advocacy groups on Friday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called on presidential hopefuls to support recently introduced legislation that would stem …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – WHY HILLARY CAN’T WIN – 07.14.15

World-renowned election protection expert BOB FITRAKIS joins us in Solartopia to analyze the history of election theft in the US and to explain why Hillary cannot get elected in 2016.

The reason is simple: the electronic voting machines are rigged.

This first of two shows outlines the rise of electronic voting and its intimate links to the Bush family, dating back to the 1988 election which Bush One stole first from Bob Dole, then from Mike Dukakis.

We track the progress of electronic voting machines through the thefts of 2000 and 2004.

If you believe in democracy and your blood doesn’t boil while listening to this, check your pulse.

When a Black Swan Flies Over Wall Street’s House of Cards By Jerry Kroth

A black swan is Wall Street lexicon for an unpredicted event. The author of that concept, Nassim Taleb, opines that most of the major moves in stock market history originated as black swan events coming out of nowhere, with a random, stochastic disorderliness that pushes markets into wild gyrations and implosion. But subliminally, everyday, CNBC and Bloomberg market mavens reassure …

Leid Stories – 07.14.15

Downgrade: Behind the AFT’s Superhyped Endorsement of Hillary

Garner Family Settles Chokehold Case: Money Talked, Justice Walked

The American Federation of Teachers made big news July 11 when its president, Randi Weingarten, a longtime friend and political supporter of Hillary Clinton, announced that the 1.6-million-member union voted “overwhelmingly” to back the presidential contender.

Dr. Thomas C. Pedroni, associate professor of curriculum studies and policy sociology at Wayne State University and co-director of the Detroit Data and Democracy Project, explains why the AFT is drawing heat from the rank and file over the endorsement, and how Clinton’s record on education betrays her right-wing agenda.

The family of Eric Garner has agreed to settle a $75-million lawsuit it threatened against the City of New York for Garner’s police-chokehold death on July 17 last year. The family will accept a $5.9-million payout, and the city admits no liability for the actions of Daniel Pantaleo, the officer who placed Garner in the banned chokehold, nor any other city employees involved in the fatal encounter.

Leid Stories explains how money talked and justice walked.

The Bernie Bubble: How Long Will It Last? By Steven Rosenfeld

How long will the Bernie bubble last? Right now, Bernie Sanders is drawing [3] bigger crowds than any other presidential candidate. His economic populism [4] is bringing in millions in contributions that will carry him into next year’s opening caucuses and primaries. In short, Bernie has been campaigning in a way that has served him well for years—as a blunt retail politician whose calls [5] for economic fairness and …

The Fawning Candidate: Hillary Clinton and Apartheid Israel By Robert Fantina

Democratic crown-princess Hillary Clinton is no stranger to the unholy altar of Israeli worship. She has often expressed her deep, almost romantic love for that country. Now, concerned about the growing international boycott of Israel, she has written to one of her major donors, one Haim Saban, proclaiming again her dedication to Israel, and asking his advice on “how we …

Hillary’s Emails: Missing the Story

The Congressional harrying of former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over emails concerning the 2012 death of an American Ambassador and three staff members in Benghazi, Libya, has become a sort of running joke, with Republicans claiming “cover-up” and Democrats dismissing the whole matter as nothing more than election year politics. But there is indeed a story embedded in …

Hillary’s Neocon Legacy: Coups, Dictators, Corruption, Chaos, Executions and Assassination By David William Pear

Hillary Clinton has on her liberal mask. She is all smiles and is trying hard to “out Bernie” Bernie Sanders. She is hitting all the populist talking points about helping others: Immigration, campaign finance reform, voting rights, gay marriage, economic equality, and middle class families. But she has accumulated a lot of baggage over her political career of 40 years.Hillaryand …

“Who Owns Hillary”? Hillary Clinton Smears BDS in Sycophantic Letter to Israeli Billionaire – BEN HORTON

US Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton smeared and vilified the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement in a letter to Israeli-American billionaire Haim Saban. The BDS movement seeks to pressure Israel to comply with international law and end its illegal occupation and oppression of the indigenous Palestinian people through peaceful economic measures. It was called for by Palestinian intellectuals …