Hillary Clinton Pledges to Defend Israeli Apartheid & Fight BDS Movement in Letter to Mega-Donor – KEVIN GOSZTOLA

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sent a letter to media mogul Haim Saban, a mega-donor, assuring him that she would make countering the global Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel a priority. She invoked a recent terrorist attack against Jews in Paris to condemn BDS and specifically sought Saban’s advice on how to fight back. “I am writing …

Sanders Bullshit Meter Goes Off the Charts in Portland, Maine By Bruce K. Gagnon

I spent two hours yesterday holding a banner (joined by eight others with signs and a 2nd banner) outside the Bernie Sanders for President rally in Portland, Maine that reportedly drew about 9,000 people.  It was an impressive crowd for someone who once claimed he was a ‘socialist’. People began lining up before 5:00 pm for the 7:00 event and …

Fossil Fuel Funding Boycott Puts Spotlight on Clinton Campaign – Lauren McCauley

Progressive groups have a challenge for presidential hopefuls: Put your money where your mouth is on the climate, and swear off contributions from fossil fuel companies. To affirm their commitment to taking on the climate crisis and “standing up to the corrupting influence of fossil-fuel companies,” the campaign, launched on Monday by The Nation and 350 Action, is calling on 2016 presidential …

Hillary’s Secret War. “Provided Material Assistance to Terrorists” By Andrew P. Napolitano

In the course of my work at Fox News, I am often asked by colleagues to review and explain documents and statutes. Recently, in conjunction with my colleagues Catherine Herridge, our chief intelligence correspondent, and Pamela Browne, our senior executive producer, I read the transcripts of an interview Browne did with a man named Marc Turi, and Herridge asked me …

Hillary Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran” By Stephen Lendman

On Friday, presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton addressed a hand-picked audience at a Dartmouth College campaign event. She lied calling Iran an “existential threat to Israel… I hope we are able to get a deal next week that puts a lid on (its) nuclear weapons program.” Even if we do get such a deal, we will still have major problems from …

Americans Have a Chance to Declare Independence from the Corporate Oligarchy – John Atcheson

For the first time in a very long time, a candidate who represents the average citizen appears to have an outside shot at winning the Presidency.  Will we have the good sense to elect him? First the facts. If you were to examine which candidate most closely represents the expressed will of the people – including the voters — it …

Hillary Clinton State Department Emails Contain Redacted Job Description for Top Energy Diplomat By Steve Horn

The U.S. State Department released a batch of 3,000 searchable documentsformerly stored on the private hard drive and in a private email account of Democratic Party presidential candidate and former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Among them: a fully redacted job description for State Department International Energy Coordinator/Diplomat-At-Large. David Goldwyn — now a fellow at the Atlantic Council, fellow at the Brookings Institution and head of Goldwyn Global Strategies — would eventually come toassume that role as …

8 Stupidest Economic Ideas GOP Presidential Candidates Are Hearing from Their Experts By Zaid Jilani

There’s an old saying going back to the Reagan years: “personnel is policy.” It means that the sort of advisers and staff public officials surround themselves with are key indicators of the sort of policy regimes they will put into place. The New York Times recently named [3] a number of economic advisers who are currently advising or are interviewing to begin working …

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: the Totalitarian End-game of the Global Elite By Dr. Gary G. Kohls

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – a global corporate noose around U.S. local, state, and national sovereignty – narrowly passed a major procedural hurdle in the Congress by gaining “fast track” status. … “fast track” is a euphemism for your members of Congress … handcuffing themselves, so as to prevent any amendments or adequate debate before the final vote … TPP …

Time to Transcend All Lesser Evils For the Greater Good By Robert S. Becker

Today’s riddle: how can Dubya’s final days produce more blessings than Obama’s finale? Answer: Dubya spawned reform while Obama aborted it. Dubya’s reign so jolted the world a multitude rose up and, swayed by campaign sizzle, elected a smiley face minority pledging systemic reform. Thus, the hardwon silver lining payoff for Dubya’s fiasco politics. When Obama, the liberal hustler who …