ERIC DRAITSER – Hillary and the Clinton Foundation: Exemplars of America’s Political Rot

Hillary Clinton may be enjoying a comfortable lead in national polls, but she is far from enjoying a comfortable night’s sleep given the ever-widening maelstrom of scandals engulfing her presidential bid.  And while Clinton delights in bloviating about a decades-long “vast, right wing conspiracy” against her, the fact is that it’s the Clinton political machine’s long and storied track record of …

Leid Stories—The Clinton Foundation: Over the Top, Yet Under the Radar—08.30.16

Read most any informational material from the Clinton Foundation about what it and a laundry list of “projects” or “initiatives” it has spawned all over the world do, and you’d probably reach for your checkbook to help support their continued “good works.”

The Gary Null Show – 08.30.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary announces today as “Commentary Day” Where he shares some of the commentaries he has written on the 2016 Presidential election and more on Obama, Gary also shares a commentary from Dr. Nozomi Hayase. The opening of the show is dedicated to the latest news in health and healing where Gary shares studies on how broccoli can provide benefits for against liver disease. Gary also opens up the phone lines for a “Talk Back Segment” and shares a video on Libya.

Dr Ludwig Watzal – Hillary Clinton Must Be Indicted

The Democratic candidate for the US Presidency, Hillary Clinton, is scandal-ridden. The life of the Clintons is a mere scandal starting way back with “Whitewater”.[1] To call her “crooked Hillary” seems an understatement, viewing only her four years as Secretary of State. Her judgment and her trustworthiness are nil. Never before has there been in the recent history of the United …

Paul Street – It Takes a Ruling-Class Village to Staff the White House

A recurrent theme in major speeches given last month at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia held that Democrats like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton look to “we the people” instead of rich, powerful and purportedly great individuals like Donald Trump to guide the United States. Repeating a prominent refrain in Obama’s 2008 campaign, top Democrats said the operative …

Nafeez Ahmed – The New ‘Two-State Solution’ That Would Colonize Palestine

A powerful pro-Israel policy group with ties to the Obama administration and the Israeli military intelligence establishment is promoting plans for a “two state solution” that would subordinate Palestinians to Israeli military rule, supervised by a permanent U.S. military presence. The plans have been put together by the Israel Policy Forum (IPF), a New York-based advocacy group founded [3] in 1993 at the …

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – “ The Biggest Loser” Weight Loss and the Leptin Connection – 08.30.16

Ellen Kamhi PhD RN, interviews Kat James. Kat James is an award-winning author, transformational nutrition and beauty pioneer, and syndicated radio host who’s been called “a master of self-transformation” by SELF magazine in response to her stunning recovery from liver, autoimmune, and eating disorders that nearly took her life.

Ian Anson – A tale of two GDPs: Why Republicans and Democrats live in different economic realities

Back in 1992, Democratic strategist James Carville uttered his famous recommendation to Bill Clinton ahead of the 1992 election: “It’s the economy, stupid!” Political scientists beat Carville to the punch, though: As far back as the 1950’s, scholars were uncovering evidence that presidential candidates of the incumbent party tend to win when the economy is strong on Election Day. Presiding over a gloomy economy, in contrast, …

Sputnik News – Cold War 2.0: Hillary Claims a Putin-Led ‘Alt-Right’ Conspiracy is Against Her

The Democratic nominee doubled down on the disturbing tactic of drumming up anti-Russia hysteria in a bid to smear Donald Trump and to label any reports not favorable to her candidacy as akin to treason.    It is only 72 days until the next US President is elected and it already seems as though the fate of US-Russia relations will be irrevocably marred …

Leid Stories—The Clinton Foundation: Hillary’s Media Flacks Refuse to See the Story—08.29.16

Leid Stories, in an extended and ongoing series, has been cataloging the highly irregular and blatantly illegal practices of Bill and Hillary Clinton as the driving forces behind the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation—an international conglomerate of purported charities that have been exposed mostly as “fronts” for the solicitation and collection of billions of dollars for various projects of questionable philanthropic purpose.