Ray McGovern – Is Hillary Clinton Above the Law?

“Enough of the emails,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders in Brooklyn-ese, while turning to Secretary Hillary Clinton during their first debate on Oct. 13, 2015. Sanders won loud applause for what seemed a gentlemanly gesture in withholding criticism for her use of a private email server for classified information. But when Sanders said “The American people are sick and tired of hearing …

Michael Krieger – Hillary Clinton Will Win New York, Because New York is Running a Banana Republic Primary

While it might sound strange, a coronation of Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary will mark the end of the party as we know it. There’s been a lot written about the “Sanders surge,” with much of it revolving around Hillary Clinton’s extreme personal weakness as a candidate. While this is indisputable, it’s also a convenient way for the status quo to exempt …

Trevor Timm – Money influences everybody. That includes Hillary Clinton

Democrats have a decision to make: do they think money in politics is a corrupting force that influences the decisions made by elected officials, or not? After years railing against the Citizens United decision, which opened the floodgates to outside spending in elections, some of them appear to have done a complete reversal. The Clinton campaign has spent the last few …

ROB URIE – Why Bill Clinton is Full of Shit

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton has been making the rounds to defend his policies while in office to support his wife’s run for President. The close working relationship that he and Hillary Clinton have infers a symbiosis that other ‘First Couples’ wouldn’t be jointly held accountable for. And in contrast to the oft offered argument that Mrs. Clinton isn’t responsible …


Human psychology can put up barriers to fighting climate change, but a new article suggests strategies and policies to overcome them. Human psychology influences the decisions we make every day—including unwise ones. Our psychological profile can make us reluctant to pay for services that benefit everyone, including those who don’t contribute. It makes us focus on achieving short-term gains and avoiding short-term …

ALEXANDER REID ROSS – 2,500 Years of Class Hatred

Class struggle never existed without hatred of the poor. And neither has racism. Boots Riley’s recent article, posted in The Guardian, systematically dispels the myth of black-on-black crime advocated by Bill Clinton. Rather than pointing the image of failure at black people in the US, Riley insists, the mirror should be redirected to class war and the failure of liberal democracy. The condition of black …

ANIS SHIVANI – The Democrats have no soul: The Clintons, neoliberalism, and how the “people’s party” lost its way

Looking beyond the daily tussle between Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party, or Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party, let’s consider the larger historical picture to see what the current election campaign tells us about the state of the two major political parties and their future.  Over the last forty years both major political parties have been in a …

Leid Stories – Election 2016: Ahead of Primary, All Presidential Candidates Are In A New York Frame of Mind – 04.14.16

Going into the high-stakes, delegate-rich April 19 New York primary, presidential hopefuls are leaving nothing to chance. They’re all over the Empire State, working their circuits and trolling for votes. A hurriedly arranged CNN “debate” between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders tonight in Brooklyn is trumping (pardon the pun) all other events the Democratic candidates have scheduled. On the Republican side, Donald Trump is making the most of his hometown brand.

Leid Stories discusses the importance of the New York primary, especially to those who reject duopoly politics.

Bruce A. Dixon – Bernie Sanders Has His Plan B. What’s Yours?

“…the numbers are against Bernie. Not the numbers of Democratic activists and voters, but the numbers tabulated by the Democratic party’s official rules….” Bernie Sanders wants and maybe deserves the Democratic presidential nomination. But Bernie does have a Plan B. Bernie’s Plan B is now and has always been supporting Hillary Clinton. Bernie said it a year ago, he repeated it last week, …

Even The Democrat Establishment Admits Clinton’s Disapproval Ratings Are “Pretty Bad”

“They’re pretty bad,” said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon, who connected the poor poll numbers to separate findings that show a broad number of Americans don’t trust Clinton. As The Hill reports,only 40.2% of people view Hillary favorably (drastically lower than Obama’s 62% at this point in the presidential-cycle and Bush’s 63%). As one commentator noted “the political impression that I think she leaves strikes a lot …