The Republican Party still has time to change its mind. Right now it’s supporting for President of the United States a man 1. who divides us by race and ethnicity and religion. He says undocumented Americans “bring drugs, crime, they’re rapists.” That the Mexican government “sends bad ones over because they don’t want to pay for them.” And who says he’ll round up …

Exclusive: US Neo-Nazi Leader Says Donald Trump ‘the Real Deal’

Donald Trump, the billionaire businessman and reality TV star who has called Mexicans rapists and proposed barring Muslims from entering the United States, is currently leading every national poll for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination — and he has done more in a matter of months to advance and mainstream the ideas of neo-Nazis than self-proclaimed neo-Nazis have been able …

Kali Holloway – Surprise! Donald Trump’s Father Was Probably in the Ku Klux Klan

According to a 1927 New York Times [3] article, it seems that the father of billionaire Republican presidential candidate and professional bile-spewer Donald Trump may have had ties to the Ku Klux Klan. The Times piece, subtitled “Klan Assails Policemen” and recently unearthed by Boing Boing [4], identifies a man named Fred Trump as among those arrested for participating in …

Interview with Ava Chin, author of Eating Wildly: Foraging for Life, Love, and the Perfect Meal – 09.10.15

Ava Chin is the author of Eating Wildly: Foraging for Life, Love, and the Perfect Meal (Simon & Schuster), which won 1st Prize in the 2015 M.F.K. Fisher Book Awards for Excellence in Culinary Writing. Kirkus called Eating Wildly “A delectable feast of the heart,” and Library Journal chose it as one of the “Best Books of 2014.” Her writing has appeared in The New York Times (“Urban Forager”), the Los Angeles Times Magazine, Marie Claire, Saveur, The Village Voice, and Eating Well, among others. A former slam poet, she is an associate professor of creative nonfiction at CUNY and a fellow at the New York Institute for the Humanities at New York University. The Huffington Post named her one of “9 Contemporary Authors You Should Be Reading.”campaign

Randy Blazak – Donald Trump is the New Face of White Supremacy

Before you think this article is “just one liberal’s opinion,” let me briefly say I have dedicated my life to studying racism. I earned my PhD from Emory University in 1995 after spending several years doing ethnographic field studies of white supremacist groups. I have published books and articles in peer-reviewed journals on the subject and have appeared on more …

The Gary Null Show – 08.18.15

Having grown up in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, Reverend James Stern is an African American pastor and civil rights activist devoted to racial justice and reconciliation between the Blacks, Whites and other races. He is the founder of No Color Inc and Racial Reconciliation. His community work has included facilitating dialogues between the black community and Korean shop owners following the 1992 LA riots, brokering a truce between the Crips and the Bloods and founding a community banking system within the NAACP. In addition, James has a particularly unique history. Having been incarcerated in Mississippi for mail fraud he found himself sharing a prison cell with the former Ku Klux Klan wizard and recruiting officer Edgar Ray Killen. Previously Killen had been sentenced to 60 years for masterminding the murders of three civil rights workers in 1964. That story later became dramatized in the film Mississippi Burning. During the course of James’ and Killen’s developing relationship, James became the klansman’s confessor and Killen confided many secrets in conversation and letters about the Klan and its history that remain relatively unknown. His website is

How the American South Drives the Low-Wage Economy By Harold Meyerson

Santayana had it wrong: Even if we remember the past, we may be condemned to repeat it. Indeed, the more we learn about the conflict between the North and South that led to the Civil War, the more it becomes apparent that we are reliving that conflict today. The South’s current drive to impose on the rest of the nation …

Media Will Not Have Access To Jade Helm 15 Military Exercise By Derrick Broze

U.S. military officials have now stated that journalists will not be allowed to embed with the military for the upcoming Jade Helm 15 exercise. One week before the controversial Jade Helm 15 military exercise is scheduled to begin, U.S. military officials announced that journalists will not be allowed to embed with the military. Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, a spokesman for Army …

If ISIL had burned down 4 Churches, it would have been Headline News By Juan Cole

Seven African-American churches have burned down in the past week and at least four of these southern Black churches were victims of deliberate arson, and possibly six were. This news is being reported tentatively and in the passive mood. The churches burned or were burned. But that arson directed at an African-American church in the South after the Roof murders is likely the …

The Casual, Idiotic Racism of Modern American Conservatism By Tim Wise

Sometimes racism isn’t about vicious bigotry and hatred towards those with different skin color than your own, let alone a willingness to walk into a church and massacre nine of those others because you think they’re “taking over your country.” Sometimes, racism is manifested in the subtle way a person can dismiss the lived experiences of those racial others as …