Expat Files – 05.03.15

-Easter week in Latin America (called Semana Santa) can be a truly crazy and some say, nerve wracking experience for gringos and expats. Here’s why….

-Because the “gringo advantage” is alive and well especially off the tourist trail, eventually you will meet a Latin person with a gringoized name that seems so tacky or wacky that you think it must be some kind or nickname or inside joke. But don’t assume. Don’t assume anything! Just try not to laugh… that would be rude.

Expat Files – 05.01.15

-Today we have a disturbing email from a female public high-school English teacher(in the states) hoping beyond hope that she can last just two more years and get her pension. Then it’s get the hell out of Dodge and down to Latin America.

-It’s not Carnival time, so why are there hundreds of thousands of people marching in the streets of Brazil? Here’s a hint… the Brazilian president’s popularity is at an all-time historic low of 13%. Yes, it’s a political corruption of massive proportions (again) but this time the media and the people have solid goods on the crooks in office. The snakes won’t easily buy or squirm out of this one.

Expat Files – 04.24.15

-Would you like to get in on one of my free live “webinars? Check out www.Expatwisdom.com and sign up for one of my free one hour live “webinars”. They will take place about every two or three weeks for the foreseeable future so sign up now to listen in live. Now you can contribute your own thoughts, insights and questions …

Expat Files – 04.19.15

-We’ve been getting conflicting reports on the situation in Argentina. Some long term expats living there say it’s deteriorating rather slowly while others say its in the fast lane heading for a nearby cliff. Some say its heaven and other say hell. The answer all depends if one is flush with US dollars or stuck dealing day to day with …

Expat Files – 04.17.15

-Part 2: Obtaining Residency in a Latin country (as of April, 2015): Today we finish our discussion on the complete, unabridged, very up to date, step-by-step process of applying for and receiving temporary and permanent residency in Latin America… leading to naturalization, citizenship and a passport. Here’s the tail end of the complete process describing the hoops and hurdles a …

Expat Files – 04.12.15

-Part 1: Obtaining Residency in a Latin country (as of April, 2015): Perhaps for the first time anywhere, today we discuss the complete, unabridged, up to date, step-by-step process of applying for and receiving temporaryand permanent residency in Latin America. In fact we go through the complete process in great detail and all the hurdles big and small a gringo …

Expat Files – 04.10.15

Today we hear from two different ER trauma doctors:  one who works in a busy, standing room only, free PUBLIC government crapola hospital (I won’t describe the smell)…. and another doctor who works the ER at a PRIVATE, 1st world style hospital where 18 of the twenty seats in that pristine ER waiting area are routinely empty!    -You’ll never …

Expat Files – 04.05.15

-Today we have a great report form a Latin country we haven’t discussed much, namely Bolivia. You’ll hear from two of our favorite world traveler “Expat Wisdom” seminar attendees as to what it’s like for Expats who might wish to visit or expat to Bolivia. In short, it’s still very much off the gringo tourist trail which means it’s still …

Expat Files – 04.03.15

-With so many retired seniors and aging gringos looking to become expats, it’s not surprising the subject of Latin funerals, cemeteries and the disposition of fresh corpses (yours) should come up. Not something people like to talk about… but today we’ll do so out of necessity. Yes, south of the border there are many related options to consider… and some …