LOA Today – 04.28.16

What would happen if we took a copy of Joel’s book, The Bench, and left it on the same bench that inspired the book in the first place, in the hope that it might inspire some random passerby to pick it up and read it? Well, we don’t have to speculate on the answer because we’ve already tried it. The result, predictably, was that a Canadian found it and read it, and not surprisingly he was ALSO someone who had tragically lost his son at too young of an age. The Law of Attraction strikes again! And we’ve got the full tale for you.

LOA Today – 07.16.15

Would you believe that a fatty tissue plays a direct role in whether you are likely to be successful? Would you also believe that cholesterol will ALSO help you to be successful? It’s amazing but true. Join us as we discuss Mielin and the role it plays in helping you to live a fuller, happier, more successful life.

LOA Today – 07.02.15

Are you in the flow? That’s the state of high performance that athletes, entertainers, and top business performers talk about. They’re “in the zone”, “in the flow”, and they experience a perfect balance of skills and performance. People who are “in the zone” or “in the flow” are happier, more productive, and generally lead more satisfying lives.

This week on LOA Today, we inquire about what it takes to be in the flow by looking at the scientific evidence through the work of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the father of Flow research and one of the founding fathers of the recent surge in the study of positive psychology.