The Gary Null Show – 10.13.15

Prof Robert (Bob) Weber is an assistant professor in the psychiatry department at Harvard Medical School specializing in the psychology and spirituality of aging. A former Jesuit, he received the 2014 Forum on Religion, Spirituality and Aging Award from the American Society on Aging, an organization he has served on its leadership council. Bob has degrees from Princeton and Harvard universities and has founded and directed clinical psychology programs for a variety of psychotherapy associations. Together with gerontologist Dr. Jae Thibault, he started the Contemplative Aging site and more recently is the editor and chief blogger of Robert is the co-author of a recent book, “The Spirituality of Age: A Seeker’s Guide to Growing Older.”

Joining Prof. Weber is his co-author Dr. Carol Orsborn. During the past 2 decades Carol has authored over 25 books, including “Fierce with Age: Chasing God and Squirrels in Brooklyn”, that deal with the quality of life for the Boomer generation and life’s stages of transition. She is the founder and chief editor of Fierce with Age, the Digest of Boomer Wisdom, and Inspiration and Spirituality. Her articles have appeared in the Huffington Post, PBS’ Next Avenue, and Beliefnet. Carol is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and received her doctorate in the History and Critical Theory of Religion at Vanderbilt University. She has served on the faculty of Georgetown, Loyal Marymount, Vanderbilt and other universities. Her website is

Single neuron may carry over 1,000 mutations

A single neuron in a normal adult brain likely has more than a thousand genetic mutations that are not present in the cells that surround it, according to new research from Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) scientists. The majority of these mutations appear to arise while genes are in active use, after brain development is complete. “We found that the …

Interview with Patrick O’Neill, CEO of Amp Your Good – 08.27.15

Patrick O’Neill is the Founder and CEO of Amp Your Good. After graduating from West Point and serving on active duty in the US Army, he began a private sector career focusing upon real estate, energy, technology and social enterprise. He has founded, co-founded and led several companies and has served on the board of directors of for profit, not for profit, public and private companies. He is married and has four children and lives in NJ (the Garden State!) He enjoys skiing, science fiction, youth sports and cooking.

Current projects

The REAL food drive campaign – a national campaign – see –
Chefs Community Table – restaurant quality meals to help those facing hunger – Bhavani – if you get a chance – watch this video before the interview –
Curbing Hunger campaign

New GM cereal crop produces fish oil in its seeds

The fish-like omega-3 oil produced in the GM camellia plants at Rothamsted (see article below) is intended to feed fish in fish farms. Far from being a “sustainable” source of fish feed, as the Rothamsted researchers claim, this, like the vast acreage of GM soy and maize, is just another GM oilseed crop grown to feed livestock. This is an unsustainable use …

4 Oils To Avoid And The Healthiest Oil That Research Proves Does Wonders For Your Belly Fat and Health

It may sound too good to be true, food manufacturers don’t want you to know about, but we promise you and research proves coconut oil can do wonders for your health! Millions of people across America (not to mention worldwide) struggle with stubborn abdominal fat, which can be difficult to shed even when a healthy lifestyle is adopted. Not only …

New Dietary Guidelines Reverse Flawed Recommendations on Cholesterol

For the past half century, cholesterol has been touted as a grave health hazard, and dietary fat and cholesterol have been portrayed as being among the “deadliest” foods you could possibly eat. This may finally change, as limitations for cholesterol will likely be removed from the 2015 edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It’s about time really, as 60 years’ …