ARE MOST MEN MONSTERS? More and more women are alleging sexual assault and sexual harassment in the workplace, as the list of alleged sexual perpetrators is increasing daily if not hourly. Beatty’s guest today is Dr. Gary Null, internationally recognized alternative health expert/activist, author of dozens of best sellers, filmaker, radio talk show host and Founder of the Progressive …
Tonight On “The Working Life Podcast” At 6:00 PM EST
The Infectious Myth – Guns and Title IX Sexual Assault Investigations – 10.03.17
Triggered by the Las Vegas massacre David addresses the need for gun control (not gun abolition) in the United States, which should annoy US conservatives. And he sides with Betsy DeVos over the problems with Title IX investigations into sexual assault, which have led to several successful lawsuits by men expelled from universities without receiving anything close to due process, …
No sleep for Congolese mothers trying to save their girls from rape
The mothers of Kavumu hardly sleep. But on rainy nights, they don’t even try. The rain pounds on their tin roofs so noisily that they worry they won’t hear rapists breaking in to steal their daughters. So they sit up all night, just watching their front doors. Since 2013, 49 young children, one only 18 months old, have been abducted …
Turning Point – 10.14.16
Tits & Ass: Presidential Politics in 2016
Resistance Radio – Taylor Jones – 10.09.16
Taylor Jones is the endangered species advocate for WildEarth Guardians, a western conservation group. She has a Master’s degree in Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and is dedicated to preserving the incredible lifeforms of planet Earth. Today we talk about Joshua trees.
Love Lust And Laughter – 08.23.16
Dr. Dudley Danoff, MD, a world renowned urologist, returned to the program for the ninth time. His book is “The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health – How to Stay Vital at Any Age” ( The main focus of this program was porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED). A growing number of young men are convinced that their sexual responses have been …
Price of calling women crazy: Military women who speak out about sexual assault are being branded with “personality disorder” and let go
As all too many rape victims discover when they speak out, many react by just wishing the victim would shut up and go away. Most rapists attack someone they know, which means that holding them accountable means tearing apart whatever community — school, work, friend group — that the accused and accuser belong in. Often, it feels just easier to pressure the …
Does Your Partner’s “Caring” Feel More Like Controlling?
It’s rare for a person—deliberately—to subjugate to their will someone they care about. Typically, when someone acts manipulatively toward another, their motive, at least consciously, isn’t to control them at all. It’s simply to increase the likelihood that the relationship will better address their wants and needs. That is, despite how their action might be taken by the other person, …
Infectious Myth – Sexual Assault – 04.06.16
David Crowe takes up the difficult issue of sexual assault. Given the proposition that (A) too many sexual assaults are unreported/unpunished, and that (B) too many innocent men are being punished for sexual assaults that didn’t happen or that they didn’t do, you might think the question is ‘A or B?’. But David points out that both can be simultaneously true. He addresses some incredible stories of sexual assault, some ambiguous cases, and some cases that resulted, or nearly resulted, in a man being falsely punished. He ends with a plea for a truly open discussion.
The resources David referenced in this episode can be found at: