Study Data from State University of Campinas Provide New Insights into Tendinitis (Green Tea and Glycine Modulate the Activity of Metalloproteinases…

Study Data from State University of Campinas Provide New Insights into Tendinitis (Green Tea and Glycine Modulate the Activity of Metalloproteinases and Collagen in the Tendinitis of the Myotendinous Junction of the Achilles Tendon) By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Health & Medicine Week — Investigators publish new report on Tendinitis. According to news reporting from Sao Paulo, Brazil, …

Expat Files – 09.23.16

#1-Food shopping at a big, chaotic, outdoor Latin market is a real adventure. Contrary to what these places look like- blind alleys, weird sights and smells- they really are totally safe and fun. So don’t worry if you’re the only gringo/gringa in a sea of a hundred plus short, brown faces. You’ll always be treated like a special visitor. However, …

Study: A tenth of the world’s wilderness lost since the 1990s

Researchers reporting in the journal Current Biology show catastrophic declines in wilderness areas around the world over the last 20 years. They demonstrate alarming losses comprising a tenth of global wilderness since the 1990s – an area twice the size of Alaska and half the size of the Amazon. The Amazon and Central Africa have been hardest hit. The findings underscore an …

Lauren McCauley – Fall of the Wild: Study Documents ‘Catastrophic Decline’ in World’s Untouched Places

Wilderness, though remote by nature, is not immune to the ravages of humanity. In fact, according to a new study in the journal Current Biology, the world’s wild places are undergoing “catastrophic decline” and could be facing elimination within decades if monumental policy shifts are not implemented. “If we don’t act soon, there will only be tiny remnants of wilderness around the planet, …

Meria Heller Show – Blood & Guts – 06.26.16

Blood & Guts with Meria Heller and Jack Blood.

On today’s show they discuss:

The Supreme Court’s latest attack on our 4th Amendment rights

Two sets of laws in this country

Payoffs-extortions by “law”

Decentralize and repeal

The “election” game changer worldwide

Hillary chosen years ago, stolen elections

Global Corp and their end game

The Orlando shooting and foreknowledge

The Paris shooting

Why clubs for the young?

Omar Mateen’s connections to the FBI and mercenary group

FBI stings – World Trade Center 1993

False flag/staged event

Prior knowledge, stand down, cover up, who benefits?

The other attacker from Virginia and the CI

Weather warfare? “Owning the Weather”

Venezuela and South America

Alternative Visions – The Right Wing Offensive in South America: An Eyewitness Report – 04.01.16

Jack Rasmus welcomes Pablo Vivanco, political commentator in Quito, Ecuador to provide a latest update on the right wing economic and political forces in ascendance in South America, focusing on the latest developments in Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela. As the economic crisis deepens throughout the region due to forces beyond the control of progressive governments in the region—i.e. falling oil and commodity prices, collapsing currencies, capital flight, slowing global economy—right wing forces (with assistance of US government and elite) have launched in the past year an intense attack throughout South America to reverse the tide of progressive governments that came to power since 2000. Vivanco describes the strategies and tactics, economic and political, currently being employed by the nascent Right Wing Offensive, including efforts to depose recently duly elected governments in Venezuela and Brazil and the launching of intense austerity measures, shutting down of independent media, mass layoffs, while rewarding of global bankers and investors by the new right wing government of billionaire, Mauricio Macri, in Argentina. New popular movements of resistance are described by Vivanco, as are efforts of the new right wing forces and governments to stifle independent journalists and media outlets throughout the region.

Pablo Vivanco is currently Director of the English Division of Telesur Media in Latin America, a consortium of progressive Latin American countries. A former radio host of ‘Voces Latinas’, he is a long time activist in movements for progressive change in Latin America, living and working in Quito. For timely reports in English on daily Latin American political events, go to:

Expat Files – 03.13.16

-Today we discuss cases where Gringos have been tapped for extortion and kidnapping.

It’s not a matter of bad luck but more a matter of location, location, location.

-“HOOTERS” closes its doors in El Salvador… you’ll never guess why

-What places in Mexico, South America and Central America are most safe for gringos and expats wishing to start up a “brick and mortar” business?

-Tips on how to scout out the best locations for your “brick and mortar” business.

-Going “off the grid” in Latin America. More and more gringos and expats are doing it!

-It can be difficult for gringos and expats to blend in and be accepted by the locals. But when it does happen, sometimes it can be downright unsettling… maybe even frightening.

-The amazing “pizza test” and the extent of Latin classism at every level

Study: Single Session Of Ayahuasca Defeats Depression

The World Heath Organization reports that worldwide, an estimated 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression. According to the WHO, depression is the leading cause of disability around the globe and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. Ayahuasca, a psychotropic brew of two plants, the vine Banisteriopsis caapi and the leaves of the shrubPsychotria viridis, has …

Expat Files – 02.05.16

– Today we have some more personal stores concerning the failed attempts of Latin governments trying to copy the Big Brother state apparatus in Latin America. It’s NOT working.

Talk about “lag time”! When discussing places “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Latin culture is just not remotely ready for anything resembling what we know as intrusive first-world Big Brother culture. So as far as personal freedoms are concerned, the somewhat predictable Latin “chaos” can be a very good thing (wait…that’s an oxymoron, right?)

-How safe are Latin infrastructure projects? Considering the general Latin lack of detail and proper maintenance, especially with government projects, should Gringos and Expats be overly worried about driving the roads, bridges and overpasses?

-More details concerning Latin bank issued credit cards (VISA /MC).