Keeping Democracy Alive – AX DAY 2018: BILLIONAIRES THANK US! – 04.22.18

It’s the same only worse. Much worse. While the Trump/Ryan tax law won’t really hit until next April, there is no question the beneficiaries are those at the very top of the wealth pyramid. Regular income earners will be subsidizing the super rich at a much greater level. Our guest today explains what it does clearly and succinctly. Josh Hoxie …

Focus On The Facts – 02.27.18

Patricia Negron and I covered the latest news on the effects of the genocide being committed all over the US with methods that include Geoengineering and chemtrail spraying, toxic vaccines, mind and body damaging drugs, GMO foods and pesticides and the fluorinated drinking water now filled with radiation from Fukushima. Also Discussed the lower life expectancy and lower birth rates …

Economic Update – Capitalism, Corporations, and Media – 11.26.17

Updates on corrupt Congressional “tax reform,” giant corporations’ abuse of power, GE CEO wastes millions, corporate structure and sexual harassment/abuse, Detroit’s fake “renaissance,” dying US malls, unaffordable rents expose fake economic “recovery,” and pharma giant Astra-Zeneca shows how capitalism endangers health. Interview of author and broadcaster Laura Flanders on mass media changes in today’s capitalism. Download this episode (right click …

Alternative Visions – US House Trump Tax Cut Bill Cuts $4.5 trillion on Corporations and the 1% – 11.10.17

Download this episode (right click and save)Dr. Rasmus reviews the final details of the US House of Representatives’ Trump-Ryan tax cut plan just voted out of Committee and on its way to a vote in the House next week. Also, early provisions of the US Senate version of the cuts now being initially debated.  Rasmus shows how the total cuts …

Alternative Visions – ‘Trump Tax Cuts 2.0: Facts, Ideology & Consequences’ – 11.03.17

Dr. Rasmus dissects the just announced US House of Representatives’ version of the Trump Tax Cuts. The ‘tax cut shell game’ is explained. The main elements of the business tax cuts under the House proposal are described, including corporate rate, virtual ending of US multinational offshore taxation, retention of carried interest, inversions, and other business deduction tax loopholes. Personal income …

Alternative Visions – Massive Corporate Tax Cuts Coming -Again – 08.04.17

Multi-trillion dollar corporate and investor tax cuts by December have moved to the top of the Republican Congress-Trump legislative agenda. Dr. Rasmus puts the proposals in historical context, describing the corporate-investor tax cuts from Reagan through Clinton and GW Bush to Obama and now Trump. From the $750 billion Reagan bill in 1981-82 to Bush’s $3.7 trillion to Bush-Obama $480 …

Leid Stories—What’s Your Plan for the Chaos Ahead? A Q&A Session with Charles Ortel—07.13.17

Charles Ortel is a former Wall Street investment banker who specialized in corporate mergers and acquisitions. He is credited with strengthening regulations and penalties against companies engaging fraud. After retiring, he has concentrated on fraud within the world of so-called charitable  organizations. The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation occupying his attention for almost three years.   Download this episode …

Economic Update – Rising Costs of Capitalism’s Failures – 04.30.17

Updates on courts blocking Trumps attack on sanctuary cities, selling Whole Foods, Jack Ma and blaming technology for jobs collapse, falling department store jobs since 2000, British queen’s enterprise award to UK worker coop, Suma. Major discussions: Trump’s corporate tax “reform,” crisis as millions of new entrants into global job markets find too few jobs, SSDI crudely targeted by Trump …

Alternative Visions – Background to Coming Trump-Republican Tax Cuts – 03.31.17

Big tax cuts for rich and corporations are the next big policy offensive around the corner. Jack provides an historical review of tax cuts for rich and corporations in the US over the past century. Major tax reform proposals are summarized since the passage of the corporate and personal income tax in 1913 through Nixon in 1971. Details of the …

ANDREW MCGILL – Why People Vote for Counterproductive Policies

Governing is often a cause-and-effect business. Give workers a tax break on retirement accounts? More people save for life after the working world. Offer a rebate for old cars? Drivers scrap their gas-guzzling Explorers in favor of sensible Corollas, and average fuel efficiency goes up. It’s easy to sell something to voters when the costs and benefits are immediately obvious. …