iEat Green – Margaret Gray, Author of “Labor and the Locavore: The Making of a Comprehensive Food Ethic” – 05.07.15

This week, my guest on the Progressive Radio Network is Margaret Gray, an Associate Professor at Adelphi University in Political Science, and author of; Labor and the Locavore: The Making of a Comprehensive Food Ethic. Margaret, or Maggie, as her friends call her, took a long look at the local food movement, to see whether the unfair labor practices, that exploit immigrants and are rampant in factory farms and industrial agriculture operations, are also prevalent in small family farms in our local Hudson Valley food movement. I was very surprised and disappointed to find out that many of the same exploitative practices, where undocumented workers from Mexico and Central America endure horrible living conditions, and live in fear of getting fired or deported if they so much as ask for a raise. And these local farms are the farms supplying our CSA’s, farmers markets and sustainable restaurants. Please join me on Thursday to learn more about how we can all help to make the Good Food Movement a movement that incorporates fair labor practices into the concept of a Sustainable Food Movement. By the way, fair labor practices is built into the tag line of the Slow Food Movement: Good Clean and Fair! Just another reason why I love the Slow Food Movement!

It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – Connecting the Dots – 05.06.15

At what point are you willing to challenge your own notions of what’s really going on? Can you even imagine that the mavens of the Money Power would threaten human survival to serve themselves for even bigger personal profits? Ellen’s guest, researcher Dane Wigington, has a trove of data to suggest that they would. And they do so in the form of geoengineering, a covert tool allegedly being used to control natural systems for private profit. We also hear commentary from Matt Stannard about the economics of the Baltimore uprising and from Marc Armstrong about America’s only publicly-owned depository bank, the Bank of North Dakota, which just issued its latest annual report — it’s another record-setting winner!

NDC Savings Club – 05.06.15

Today Show: Zenni Optical is a leading online retailer of prescription Eyewear.

Guest Speaker: Hernan Vicuna (brand manager for Zenni)

Health News Segment with: Dr. Wald, director of Longevity at Integrated Medicine

Today topic: Are you a Gluten-A-Holic? Part 1 of 3 Part Series

Leid Stories – 05.06.15

Struggling Detroiters Repel New Taxes
The High Cost of Police ‘Reforms’
Struggling Detroiters Repel New Taxes
The High Cost of Police ‘Reforms’

Still under the yoke of bankruptcy, Detroiters yesterday voted down a measure by the city to offset corporate tax breaks with new taxes for residents. Proposal 1 went down in flames, but the city continues to bank empty lots and foreclosed homes for future sale to real estate interests, and 25,000 homeowners face water shutoffs this month.
Abayomi Azikiwe, our correspondent in Detroit, reports.

It’s routine now, especially in the aftermath of particularly egregious conduct by police officers, for public officials and advocates alike to call for “reforms.” But the evidence is showing little, if any, movement on what is widely acknowledged as a national crisis.
Meanwhile, the toll climbs, and African American and Latino communities inordinately bear the brunt of the lethal consequences of police misconduct and excessive use of force.
Leid Stories says these targeted communities not only must press their demands, they should play a leading role in defining and deciding what “reform” means.

Fearless Parent Radio – Eat My Placenta, Say What? – 05.06.15

Although prominent in Chinese Medicine and across most mammalian species, placental ingestion or placentophagy, has only recently gained popularity in Western cultures. The placenta plays an important role in endocrine functioning and fetal nutrient supply during pregnancy. After childbirth, the mom is depleted of these critical hormones and nutrients. According to placentophagy practitioners and researchers, the hormones, nutrients and other compounds contained within the placenta at the time of parturition may still be beneficial to mothers during their postpartum recovery.