Project Censored – 03.24.15

Peter, Mickey and their guests speak about independent journalism, transparency in government,
and social justice education. Abby Martin speaks about her years as host of “Breaking the Set”
on RT Television. Then Tanya Ward Jordan and Michael McCray examine new legislation meant
to enhance whistleblower protection in government and the financial sector. Finally, Sonoma State
University student Shelby Wade talks about organizing a Social Justice Week on her campus.

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – 03.24.15

The Truth About Beauty, “Breaking the Rules……Why Being a Health Rebel is Key to Achieving Successful Transformation”

Joining us today is Kat James, the award-winning author and renowned transformation expert of “The Truth About Beauty.” Before becoming the natural health world’s premiere beauty-oriented health expert, —and, before that, one of the most quoted celebrity makeup experts of the nineties—Kat had a far deeper transformation that involved overcoming a 12-year, heroin-like addiction to food and a slew of other serious diseases. After healing herself of one issue after the other while dropping ten dress sizes and dramatically transforming her skin in the process, Kat spent nearly a decade gathering the science to validate the unusual approach she pieced together for her own health & vitality. Since then, she’s gone on to help thousands dramatically transform their lives and their looks as she did through her bestselling book, her national health columns, talk radio show, PBS special, and her acclaimed Total Transformation programs. You can learn more about her at

Ask Beatty – 03.23.15

Would you trust an expert to help you find a spouse without knowing anything about your potential partner or without knowing what he/she looks like? Should colleges protect students from feeling hurt or upset about controversial subject matter? Should schools and universities teach relationship and sex education courses? Tune in and hear what John Jay Sociologist Jim Vrettos and Beatty think about these contemporary issues.

Global Research News Hour – The End of Canada in Ten Steps: A Conversation with Naomi Wolf – 03.23.15

This installment of the Global Research News Hour features coverage of the ongoing efforts by the Canadian government to put in place anti-terrorism legislation which undermines Canadian freedoms at the expense of privacy and other Rights we take for granted. First we hear from the Director of the acclaimed film The Secret Trial 5, a film about 5 people detained …

Black Agenda Radio – 03.23.15

“Liberal” Israeli Zionists Hoped to Prolong the Farce of Negotiations. Hillary’s Missing Emails Hide Her and Bill’s Haiti Corruption. In Johannesburg and Ferguson, Black Lives Matter. Mumia: “Homicides of Black People are Always “Justifiable”. Prison Radio Targeted. Tivoli Gardens Victims Demand Reparations. Daughter of Hit Squad Victim Blames Rwanda’s Paul Kagame.

Resistance Radio – Brian Ertz – 03.22.15

Brian Ertz is board president of Wildlands Defense. He has spent the last decade resisting this culture’s depraved relationship to the natural world via grassroots organizing, national media initiatives, administrative and legislative policy advocacy, and in support of a variety of litigation efforts aimed at preserving a wide variety of landscapes and wildlife species in the West. Download this episode …